Hello everyone. I am 20.

I just got my results as CIN1. It was only pap smear and no biopsy. My doctor said that i have hpv and that causes CIN. She didnt want to test hpv but i did insist. I didnt get my results yet but doc said i will be hpv + 98%. 

I did cry a lot. Cause i DONT have any information about hpv. I have a lot of questions:

1) my doctor said no need to biopsy. But all over the internet it says you need to biopsy results to diagnose CIN. Should i insist on biopsy?

2) I dont have warts because my type of hpv dont do that it make canser. CIN is caused because of canser maker hpv. Am I got all this right??

3) doc said dont smoke and be nice to your body. We’ll check it 1 year later. So if everything goes right my cervix cells go back to normal i guess? Will i be hpv negative and cin free?? How long it should take to be gone?

4) should i apart my laundry? I have a sister

5) where the hpv exist? There is no blood test so it doenst exist in blood? Secrations have hpv? I know condoms not a super protector about hpv because of the skin to skin touch. It is possible to transfer hpv by secrations touching skin ( BUT NOT GENITALS) ?

6) My partner will test too but there is a really big chance of he is hpv+ too. Should we abstain sexual things?