CIN 2 and treatment options.


I have had my colposcopy and my biopsy came back as CIN 2 cells so have been asked back to speak about treatment options. 

I know about LLETZ and Cone biopsy, I thought LLETZ was the more common option and wondering why they ask you back to discuss options first instead of recommending one to me?? 

Thanks! Just stressing out now. 

Hi Emmajohns,

I think sometimes they may suggest a wait and see approach for cin2, or more commonly they may offer treatment such as lletz. It can depend on your age and family plans. Could it be that they want to discuss whether to treat or not at this stage? I think if that was the case you would be offered more regular checks, possibly every 6 months. This is just from what I've heard from other people though. Perhaps a good idea to ring your clinic to check or even speak to the helpline here.

Good luck with it,
