CIN 1, HPV, Pregnancy & Angry Cervix

Hello, I’m new to this site and just wondered if anyone had any stories (good or bad) or some advice please as I’m a little bit worried. 

At the age of 19 I started having problems down below, abnormal bleeding, pains etc. I was in and out of hospital for two years before they would finally listen to me and give me a smear test. So at the age of 21 I had a smear and it shown that I have HPV and CIN 1, I am also affected by Endometriosis. 

However, my concern is, since this, I was due a smear test in May this year but couldn’t attend due to actually being pregnant but I am due to go for my next smear in 2 weeks. 

I’m currently feeling really worried and anxious about what is going to show due to obviously already being diagnosed with CIN 1. Whilst pregnant and upon examination during pregnancy, my consultant said to me that I have a VERY angry looking cervix and I should definitely go for my smear as soon as I can and definitely don’t wait or miss it. Which obviously is worrying me. Furthermore; once having the baby I went to the contraception clinic and I had the injection in my bum which I will continue to have every 3 months but whilst there, the doctor entered the room (which has never happened before) and said she had read my notes (never said what they said but I didn’t think to ask) and that she would give me a smear there and then, however i explained that baby wasn’t 12 weeks yet and that as I’m under 25, her giving me a smear would be pointless as my gynaecologist wouldn’t have sent me for it etc and she just told me to make sure I definitely have it done. 

im really worried thinking that it may have progressed which naturally it may have done and I accept that. But does anyone have any of their own similar stories that may help me to think about what could happen when I go please? Or any advice? Thank you x

Hi, I can understand how worried you must be, but please try not to. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, it’s advisable that smears aren’t done, as it can give a false result. Your ‘angry’ cervix may be due to pregnancy and giving birth.

Abnormal cells are very slow progressing, taking many years (10-15) before becoming anything sinister and must go through several stages. So I doubt that it’s progressed this far in such a short amount of time.

Once you’ve received your results, I’m sure you’ll be reassured. Good luck!

Thank you so much for your reply! 

Ive got my smear on the 15th! I’m nervous as hell :(