Cervical erosion for a few years then referred to colposcopy

Hi all hope this is correct place to post. But I’ve had cervical erosion for many years and finally they agreed to refer me to colposcopy which I was seen in sep 18. Doctor there cauterised the cervix and weren’t sure whether to take a biopsy of the cells or not, he said he was sure all was well but he took the biopsy anyway. Well I was told up to 8 weeks for results, time had been and gone and I chased it up through gp as I heard nothing and finally got my. Results this week (January 2019) the letter says upon looking at the histology report of the biopsy taken there are some changes, I should not be concerned and no treatment is needed. But they want to see me in September 2019 again 1 year after for a smear. 

I don’t really understand it all, what does this mean? I’ve read up bits and it’s not likely to turn to cc? But some cases can is this right? 

Hi, I also have cervical ectropion. I also had LSIL last Feb 2018, but my pap today was normal. My doctor refused cautery, saying it can harm the cervix, but I may choose to do that when I'm done having children. I wouldn't be too worried about the mild changes, just take good care of yourself and make sure to follow up in a year. Cell changes that develop in to cancer take a long time. I hope that helps! If you are ever worried, call and ask to speak to a nurse. They can educate you about that result. 

Hi all, 

I'm looking for a bit of advice/reassurance if possible. Last year, I had a hysteroscopy and was told I have a cervical ectropion (I had been having heavy discharge and during my ultrasound the doctor thought he saw a polyp so used the hysteroscopy to check). He found no polyp but did find a cervical ectropion. I had had a smear test a few weeks before and had bled during my smear. He said this may have been because it touched the ectropion and made it bleed. The smear came back normal so he didnt perform a biopsy on the ectropion. He put some silver nitrate on the ectropion. Now I am a year down the line and I still have a heavy discharge. I had a pelvic exam today. They gave me a smaller speculum as they know I find them uncomfortable. The doctor said she could see my ectropion (so it must have come back?). She only caught a quick glance as the speculum actually snapped whilst inside me (has anyone else ever had this happen?! She wasn't touching it at the time so I don't know how it happened, maybe I tensed up?). It's now a few hours later and I have a bit of dark blood on my underwear. It didn't hurt when the speculum snapped and she took it straight out, but I'm concerned that I've bled during a pelvic exam as she didn't actually swab my cervix or anything. All I had was a small plastic speculum put in so I want to know if it's normal to have a bit of blood (it was very small) after just having a speculum in?). Thanks for your help in advance! Cathy 

Hi getting back to this comment as I lost my log in details initially. I am now noticing I seem to be spotting intermittently again and I had the cervix cauterised September last year. Also noticing abit of spotting after sex etc. Even tho hospital said they’ll see me September 2019 again after the mild changes we’ll my gp surgery have called me up for a smear test again but I had one last year at this time which was normal. But then I had the colposcopy and biopsy in September and shown some changes. I queried the doctors and she’s put me on hold before booking another smear she needs a nurse to ring me first which won’t be until wed/thurs this week to decide if I get another done so soon or wait till Sep. 

I cant help but feel paranoid something is not right but I hope that’s all it is.its not easy getting in to see gp and the hole process is long winded they just seem to fob you off