Cervical Ectropion

Hi all

I feel slightly fraudulent posting here as I haven’t been diagnosed with CC but I have been experiencing similar symptoms and was told that I have cervical ectropion.

I’ve been experiencing unusual discharge - lots of thin, watery discharge that soaks through my underwear - for a few months! I then started experiencing a bloody discharge and bleeding in between my periods and pelvic pain that also shoots around my back and down my legs.

I was due my smear test (actually overdue by three months) so I booked an appointment but I also made an appointment with my GP. She was very reassuring and said he would ask the Nurse to make observations during my smear. My smear was very painful and my Nurse noticed what I thought she said was ‘ectopy’ but I think may be ectropion after researching it. My GP said that this could be what is causing my discharge and bleeding in between periods but not my pelvic pain and irregular periods.

I’ve been referred to a Gynecologist to look at the ectopy/ectropion as my GP said it’s usually found in woman who are on the pill which I’m not or have given birth which I haven’t, and to investigate my pelvic/back/leg pain.

I guess I’m just trying to reassure myself that there’s nothing else going on! Has anyone been diagnosed with ectropion and what where your symptoms? Did you have pelvic pain as well?

Thanks everyone in advance!

Hi there. I wanted to reply as I was in your shoes around a year ago. I had been experiencing bleeding in-between my periods on and off for a few months, before seeing a nurse. I was examined and was told I had a cervical erosion 'ectropian' and as this was troublesome I was referred to gynaecology for a colposcopy. I had this cauterised at my appt, which wasn't too bad at all. So far I have been ok since treatment last September altho my cycle was a bit all over the place for a while after. I think discharge is also a symptom of this. I haven't taken the pill for years, I have had two children but it was 18 months since giving birth to my last child that the bleeding started. I am up to date with my smear, so they didn't perform one. My next one is due this Nov. 


Regarding your back pain, I too had back pain, hip pain and also UTI symptoms, I panicked and along with the bleeding in-between my periods I Googled (stupidly) and diagnosed myself with CC. The back pain was investigated I had an ultrasound to check my kidneys etc and all this was normal. I was told it was muscular and was given some physio for the back pain, which has since subsided. I think my back pain was to do with a cleaning job i started just before I was referred with my cervical ectropian, as I was told they don't cause back pain. Nurses see cervix a lot and they are quite used to differentiating an erosion to an abnormal looking cervix. Obviously gynaecology will look closer, they may also take a biopsy, which is standard procedure. I freaked out at this, but it was all fine and no cancer picked up. 


Good luck with your upcoming appt xx

Also if they are referring you none urgently, then there's nothing to worry about. My nurse and doc both said "it'll be fine" and I wouldn't believe them! Have you had your smear test?

Thank you so much for your reply! It's good to hear from someone who has gone through the same! 

I think it's a non urgent referral. I would have remembered if my GP had said urgent and freaked out! Had my smear and awaiting results.

I just keep thinking back to my last smear which was painful as well and the Nurse said that my cervix was red and inflammed. They took swabs and the swabs and smear were clear and I had no other problems until this year but Im wondering if this all started as far back as then.

I've been worrying about going to gynaecology as well as the smear was so painful but it's good to hear that your experience wasn't bad.

Thanks again for replying :)