Cancelled coloscopy

I had call last week saying smear was abnormal and booked in for coloscopy Tom the letter stars cin3 , today got a call to ring coloscopy unit to be told my appointment tomorrow is cancelled as the doctor is sick the next appointment is not until April 12th .I have been driving myself crazy this last week but thought least I’d know what’s what tomorrow now have to wait over three weeks .I asked the girl on the phone if they have a sooner appointment but she said no I asked if it’s safe to leave it that long she says it’s fine but it’s not her sitting here for three weeks anxious I have no symptoms of cc but since the call last week have pains in my pelvis now I’m worried thought maybe the pain would go once coloscopy over I’m going to be a nervous wreck now had anyone else had theirs cancelled could the wait cause more problems thanks for reading 

Hi sweet, my boss had a colposcopy and discovered she needed LLETZ the day after she found out she was pregnant.. they had to wait a year until they could remove the abnormal cells. That was 15 years ago and she has had no issues since.

She told me that as a little comforter when I told her about my situation. Its a story to remember that that even if you do have abnormalities, it takes a long time to become anything sinister in most cases. A few week wont make a lot of difference other than to your anxiety levels. I feel for you, awaiting biopsy results now sucks and thats only apparently a ten day wait. Hang in there and trust they would get you in sharpish if it was necessary - they dont mess arround when the big C is involved 


Much love,

hi thanks for replying this waiting game is hard mentally but there’s nothing I can do ,hope everything goes well for you and good luck with the wedding x