
I was diagnosed with Stage 2b cervical cancer at the end of August. I have currently been going through treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I have 3 sessions of brachytherapy booked in from next week.
Can anyone give me any advice on this? I’m quite nervous about this stage of my treatment. Thank you.

Hi Jojo :-)

I'm not sure quite why it is that we are all frightened of brachytherapy but I can promise you it's nothing like as bad as we think it's going to be. There are several posts about it in this section of the forum, they should be quite easy to find and hopefully will tell you everything you need to know.

Be lucky :-)

Here you go! :-)

hi Jojo

im a 2b girl too....and you are just behind me as I just finished my treatment early sept. 

i was honestly so scared as with most people, we invision some kind of crazy horror movie like thing when facing the brachy. We wonder how it will be and get so anxious to go for the first one. 

But let me tell you!!!!

its not bad at all, in fact you probably won't feel anything at all. They are super awesome with making sure you are comfy and not in any pain. you will walk away and think why was I so scared. It's a medical procedure that sounds way worse then what it is. I found my lletz way worse then brachy. 

No worries you will be just fine. Chin up you got this!!!!


i had my first Brachy on Friday and like Tivoli and Lolli say, it's really not as bad as you imagine.

They are so good at making sure you are comfy, and always checking in on you. It's good if you have a room buddy as well, chatting away makes the time go quicker. Just make sure you eat and drink plenty,and nap when you can. You will be totally fine.

tracey x

Thank you so much for the replies. 

So glad thats it's not going to be as bad as I'm expecting! This has put my mind at rest. 

Thank you again for taking the time to do this. 

Jo xx

I had my Bracchy 2 weeks ago and I was so scared before the first one, as the others have said it really wasn't so bad at all. The pain medication I had whilst under general anaesthetic meant that i was a little uncomfortable but that was all. I was offered gas and air to have the rods removed ( the part I dreaded) but found I didn't need it at all. 

You will be fine once the first one is over and you know what to expect. Good luck lovely xx

Hello!!! I had brachytherapy the end of June and was dreading it, having never been in hospital in my life (since birth). I went into this having had 6weeks pre chemo followed by a 5week chemo/radio combination so as you can imagine your body isn't in the best of conditions but pain wise there's nothing to worry about. For me personally, I get motion sickness so the only bad thing about this procedure was the travelling on my bed to and from the ward to the radiotherapy room. I didn't eat for Two days but again, that was due to my motion sickness! The catheter was a little uncomfortable I will admit  it I didn't experience any pain at all. I only took the pain relief at night to make me go to sleep!!! The coming out part was the part I was dreading most, and for someone like me who has never experienced child birth then I would say that it felt like that!!! good luck in your treatment xx