Borderline and Freaking Out

Hey lovely ladies 

I can't believe I am going through this again but any advice is appreciated because I am managing to convince myself into an anxious mess. 

4 years ago I was wrongly diagnosed with early stage cancer and they took "a chunk" - the words of the butcher gynaecologist- off my cervix. Came back as CIN 1 and an apology. After that ordeal, I was terrified of going back for my smear but I had a word with myself and went back. Especially as I had started experiencing bleeding after sex once or twice. 

The doctor who did my smear used an out of date smear test and so they told me I'd have to come back again - again this is not filling me with the greatest of confidence. She referred me to colposcopy for the bleeding. 

I then went to colposcopy and the lovely lady did a biopsy which came back as inflammation only and said she'd do the smear whilst I was there and due to the cock up with the last doctor. 

So biopsy was clear and I was happy until the smear has now come back with borderline abnormalities of both the CIN and CGIN variety. The nurse has stated that I will now have to wait a month until they have their MDT meeting to decide on the fate of my poor cervix. 

I have never been a particularly anxious person but I swear this is making me feel physically sick. CGIN sounds worse than CIN? And despite the term borderline and query changes I have managed to convince myself that I'm utterly screwed. 

My husband and I are undergoing fertility treatment and are looking at sperm donation in the new year- I don't know if my franken cervix can take another butchering with the lletz if that's the option for CGIN or will they employ a watch and wait process for that? 

I don't really know what I'm asking, I'm just utterly terrified and worried I won't be able to carry a baby full term if they decide to push ahead with another lletz 

Any advice appreciated xxx 



Firstly I’m really sorry you are going through all this, it’s so stressful. 

It is know that Lletz procedures can increase your risk of preterm labour and preterm rupture of membranes particularly with more than 1, however this does not mean that this will happen for you.

CIN is abnormalities of the epithelial cells of the cervix and is graded from 1-3 with 3 being the worst (I’m sure you already know this), CGIN is precancerous changes in the glandular cells of the cervix.  CGIN can be high or low grade, it can also be multifocal so can be in different places in the cervix at one time, these can be high up in the cervix and hard to reach or assess.  They tend to discuss CGIN at an MDT meeting.

Hopefully because you are looking to have a family they will take this into account when assessing your case.

Good luck xxxx

Thank you so much Lottie- I had a cup of tea and a word with myself. This stuff just strikes the fear of God into me. I think because we've had so many hurdles with the fertility side of things I'm just scared of another battle and obviously the big C.

I was managing to curb the panic until I started googling CGIN and my mind went into a panic. Semantics are important here..  "borderline" changes do not mean that they will definitely treat and least I'm being monitored.

Thank you so much. I knew instantly the place to go to alleviate my anxiety was Jo's - this place is a god send!! Much love xxx 

You’re very welcome, I was just looking at stats and I think if you have Lletz the risk of preterm delivery is increased to 2% or something like that. The information section on Jo’s under cell abnormalities and CIN &CGIN has the info.

Good luck xxxx