Blood clots

Im 2 days out from my first LLetz ( HPV 16 and high grade cells) im bleeding fairly heavily but managing
However have just passed a bright red/purple clot about twice size of a 50p
There was no huge rush of blood just this tissue clot that came out when i went to the toilet
Not sure how normal that is?
I feel ok apart from mild cramping have left a voicemail with the colposcopy clinic but hate waiting
Any thoughts
Thank you :blush:

Hi @Beckyboo1, how are you feeling now? Hopefully the colposcopy clinic has gotten back to you as itโ€™s been a few hours since you posted!

My colposcopist said that if I was passing large clots, I should go to A&E to get it checked out. I asked what constituted a large clot and he said the size of a 50p coin.

I reckon it would probably be worth ringing 111 just to double check with them if colposcopy hasnโ€™t come back to you yet :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for replying! After sending this the hospital rang got me in and i was seen within 30 minutes! Cant ask for much better! Silver nitrate was used to stem bleeding and a course of antibiotics
Now just to keep an eye on it all now
Thank you

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