Bleeding post Lletz & 6 month smear

Hi everyone,

I have posted before, but i’m having a bit of a minefield of health issues at the moment and i’m convinced there is something more going on.

I have had mostly abnormal smears since i’ve started having them (around 25 - now 31) and due to the changes found i’ve had them every 3/6 months. Had Lletz after CIN3 cells & HPV were found in March. Following this i developed an infection and was put on a course of 2 antibiotics to clear it up.

I suffer with endometriosis so my periods are pretty all over the place at the moment but Last week i went for my 6 month smear following Lletz and it REALLY hurt. I mean it has never hurt me but this was so uncomfortable. I also bled onto the brush, again i have never seen that happen.

A week later i was being intimate with my partner…and i bled… i have also developed an itchy dryness before my period and it is uncomfortable to wear tampons

I guess i just want to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this? currently waiting rather impatiently for my smear results :confused:

I also suffer with infected abscesses on my face for which i have had several ops to remove them…(unknown cause) I also have Endometriosis and have just been diagnosed with Crohns.

If anyone can relate or help please reply!

Lots of health and happiness to everyone on here :slight_smile:
