Bleeding 4 months after Lletz


I’m completely new here.

My brief history, I was bleeding after sex but was up to date on smears so I put getting checked out on the long finger. 

Bleeding became more frequently so I got check out and referred to a gyn. 

Gyn thought I had cervical erosion and burned it off along with a precautionary biopsy.

biopsy showed I had cin 1 & 2 which she was very surprised about.

back in soon after for a precautionary lletz, which results showed I had cin 3 in 10% of the tissue taken but thankfully the margins were clear. 

Im back in in August for my follow up colposcopy.

all was well until this week, after sex when I went to the bathroom there was a lot of blood. Stopped nearly straight away but it was a lot more than any other time. So much that I thought I had got my period.


I came off the pill 6 weeks ago, (still no period but not pregnant)


my mind is in overdrive. Should I be worried or is this a sign my period is coming soon? 


Thank in advance


Hi Shivvycob,

Good on you for still getting check with the GP even though you were up to date with smears!! 

I am definitely not an expert but from previous experience what has happend to my friends, the blood was probably just your period. Most of my friends went off the pill and then didnt get their period for a while and then all of a sudden it came on - sometimes this was around 6 weeks othertimes 12 weeks. Because of being on the pill, your body gets use to not having to produce the hormones to have a regular cycle so when you go off the pill it takes awhile for your body to adjust to having to produce these hormones again so in a lot of cases people wont be back on a regular cycle for awhile - and in your case this is probably just your period coming on after your body adjusting to being off the pill. Also a lot of my friends had extremely heavy peroids when first coming off the pill. 

If you are really worried you could call the clinic to talk to one of the nurses but Id wait and see what happens over the next week as its probably just your period.