Biopsy yesterday

Hi all, I had a colposcopy yesterday where they took some biopsies. Are biopsies always taken at colposcopy. I was quite and anxious and didn’t ask any questions

A colposcopy is only done if there is some likelihood of problems after the smear test. This being the case it makes sense to take at least one biopsy to check for abnormalities in the tissue. The biopsy can also provide a lot more detailed and accurate information about the tissues of the cervix. Did you not get given a leaflet about the process and what might happen? That is really disappointing. I will keep everything crossed for you that the biopsies are all fine and don’t show any problems. X

No I never got any leaflets, I’ve not even had my original smear result letter in. They just phoned me on Thursday morning saying they had a cancellation for the colposcopy. I’m just quite anxious about it all. To go back in 2 weeks for results and discuss treatment. X

I would phone, Lisa, and say you’ve been given no information about the procedure you’ve just had, and could someone email something to you. It sounds like because of the cancellation they never got round to informing you properly, but it’s not fair on you. X

I finally got the smear test result letter through this morning. So it said positive for HPV and seen changes in cells. So at least now I know a wee bit more after the fact. Just a waiting game now till next Friday to see what they say x

So biopsy was all clear, however the abnormal cells where CIN3 when they have now removed with LLETZ so back in 6 months for another smear x

Well, it’s good news, Lisa in that they think they’ve dealt with the problems. Wishing you all the best for your 6 month follow up - in the meantime, be positive and try not to dwell on it too much. Fingers crossed they’ve removed it all and you will get a clear result next time! X

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Yea such a relief and reading through this forum, the likelihood of it coming back is low. So fingers crossed x