Awaiting leep treatment, but feel "period twinges" still after punch biopsy

Hello ladies ?

I had a colposcopy and punch biopsy 1 month ago, I came on my regular period about 3 weeks later, and it was on time. 

I didn't realise I wasn't supposed to use tampons, so I used them. Will I have damaged my cervix :(

Its been about 5 days now since my period finished and I've still got some mild period pains. Where my public hair is, if you get me. Low down. Its only very mild but its like light 1st day period cramping. Us this normal?  

I don't think I'm in a very good head space to be fair as I have a leep treatment on Friday. Worried that my CIN3 will turn out to be worse. Can't wait for it to be all done and to hear some reassuring news. 






I think you are allowed to use tampons after a punch biopsy. It is the Lletz you're not I think, plus other things like have sex etc 

Hi Dawn, I had similar after punch biopsy, it will pass soon hopefully. After LLETZ it's important not to use tampons, no sex etc basically my nurse said "absolutely nothing is to go up the vagina" ?. You may find LLETZ disrupts your cycle though. X 

I have only just recovered from my punch biopsy. That was 3 months ago- I had post coital bleeding and when I looked my whole cervix looked quite poorly. ( I have a speculum). Now I looked and it looks fine, just a little bit of what looks like pink scars maybe.

my Lletz is in a week.