Awaiting LEEP, absolutely terrified

Hi, everyone. For the last few weeks now I’ve been trying to cope with CIN3 results from a colposcopy and I’ve stressed myself out to the max. I don’t feel ready to tell family and friends what I’m going through, so my husband is the only one who knows and I needed comfort or advice from people who have been through this before.

My husband and I were looking to start a family, and before we started trying to get pregnant I wanted to go in for my pap smear. I had normal results at my last pap smear, so the doctor told me I didn’t have to return for another for 3 years. Well, after my pap smear I got the news that it came back positive for high-risk HPV. At first I was ashamed since it’s an STD, but then I saw that many women have it at some point in their lives and tried not to worry.

A week after that, I went back to the doctor for a colposcopy. They took biopsies of what the doctor called ‘two small areas of abnormal cells.’ The results of those came back a few days later to be CIN3. I was shocked and have never been so scared. I was referred to come in for a LEEP procedure, which I have coming up on Thursday (2 days from today). Since I received those results I haven’t been sleeping well at all, I’ve been distracted at work, and I feel so removed from my life. I feel bad because I can’t focus on conversations with friends, and I feel like the inability to have children some day, or worse having cancer and dying is always on my mind. I’m constantly on the verge of tears.

Would they have known if it was cancer already from my colposcopy biopsies, or could they still find cancer when I have the LEEP? What are my chances of currently having full-blown cancer?

You never think something like this will happen to you. When it does, you realize how much life and good health you have taken for granted. I’m not only terrified that I won’t be able to have children because of possibly needing more procedures or a hysterectomy some day, but I’m even more scared that I could die from this.


I hope you don't mind me commenting, we're in a very similar situation. 

I too am having LLETZ on Thursday for CIN3 and it's really worrying me. I haven't been sleeping since the biopsy results and I'm worrying myself silly.

like you I'm hoping to start a family with my husband soon and am worried what effect this will have. 

Really hope things go well for you on Thursday.

Lexy xxx


Hi Lexy!

Thanks for commenting.  I completely understand where you're coming from...I've been worrying myself silly as well.  I wake up almost every night in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep.  I find myself in this whirlwind of terror so often.  

I'm sending you good thoughts for your LLETZ on Thursday...let me know how everything goes!  

Sarah xoxo

hey ladies, as far as I'm aware a biopsy would show any signs of cancerous cells. CIN3 is not cancer but if left untreated could progress in to cancer later down the line. I have lletz treated 10 weeks ago, and they removed all of the effected cells successful and sent that off the be tested and found no cancer. I know it's hard but you need to relax. I only know too well from experience that worrying yourself too much will only make you I'll.

the treatment itself  very straightforward. They will under a speculum the same you have when you have a smear. they will squirt some dye on to your cervix so they can see the affected cells clearly. I was asked to cough a few times and they injected the anaesthetic into my cervix. This was a sharp stabbing feeling but once it takes effect you don't feel a thing. They will then use a loop to bUrn the area away. 

i took my husband with me but he was more comfortable sitting in the waiting room. I had 3 lovely ladies with me in the treatment room. They deal with this everyday so they know how to look after you.

hope everything goes well xx

Thanks for the reply, Kaleigh.  It's a good reminder that the medical professionals do this all the time and that they are there to support you.  It's also just really nice hearing from ladies who are going through or have gone through something similar.

It's the waiting that's killing me the most.  Each new medical test or procedure you have to get done you have to wait for your appointment, then wait for results from the appointment.  It's hard to live normal life in between all that.  I'm so nervous for my results from my LEEP tomorrow, but I need to know what comes next.  At this point, I've just totally gotten into my own head and have convinced myself I have symptoms of cervical cancer.  Google is the worst.  I need to promise myself not to randomly Google anymore and just come on here for reliable, encouraging information!

Just wanted to say good luck tomorrow!  I know we've never met and this may sound strange, but I kind of feel like we're in this together since we are having the same procedure on the same day! 

Keep me posted on how things go.  Hugs to you!

Google is definitly the worst, but we still look, i do most days! I cant say don t worry yourself because i worried myself sick, i had convinced myself i had the dreaded C and how was i going to tell everyone! Seems silly now, as you come on to forums like this and realise how many other ladies are in exactly the same position as you. Hope you get your results soon so you can put your mind at rest and move on xx

Hi Sarah,

I hope you're ok?

Just got home following my LLETZ and I'm feeling ok. Just bad period like pain which I've taken paracetamol for.

The doctor and nurses were brilliant and my mum came with me to hold my hand too. The worst part was the two anaesthetic injections - I did cry and they hurt but once that was over I couldn't feel anything just slight discomfort.

I think it was worse for my mum who watched it all and could smell the 'burning'.

The doctor was confident she got it all and that it didn't look more sinister but I will have results in 2-3 weeks confirming.

They did comment that I looked very pale so advised me to eat foods high in iron and rest for a few days. So far I've not had any bleeding but it hurt when I peed (tmi).

i hope your treatment went ok.

Thinking of you,

Lexy xxxx


Hi Lexy,

I'm so happy to hear that everything went well for you today! I had a very similar experience to yours this afternoon, only felt the anesthetic injection and then some pressure during the LEEP. Having cramps now, but I'm just happy it's over and the nasty cells are hopefully all gone! 

The doctor was very patient with me, answered all my questions, said she didn't see anything alarming, and that she felt very confident about the procedure. She said if there was invasive cancer she would have seen more alarming things when she did the LEEP. That felt good to hear. I have to wait a week or so for my biopsy results, but I feel like I can at least sleep a bit easier and try to focus more clearly at work now that I was able to talk to the doctor about a lot of my concerns and she felt the procedure went well. Fingers crossed now that we both hear back that our biopsies are all clear and can move on with family planning! :)

