Armpit pain post treatment for recurrent CC


I am almost 6 months post treatment for recurrent cervical cancer , finishing chemo ( cisplatin) and radiotherapy mid October. A CT scan of my abdomen in November was clear however my consultant said " there still may be microscopic cells left the CT can not pick up" !!
Over the past week or so I’ve had an aching type pain in my right armpit , although I’m afraid this cancer is back again , and in my lymph nodes , I’ve been told by my consultant its untreatable if comes back again so I’m reluctant to get this checked out , 1) because I don’t want to hear it’s back . 2) is there any point ? as if it’s untreatable id just be put through all the agony again sooner rather than later.
My next oncology appointment is not until 2 nd June , should I wait until then ? I would be grateful for your thoughts / advice.
Also I’ve read the prognosis for recurrent cervical cancer is poor , ( Google) I know I shouldn’t Google !! are there any long term recurrent cervical cancer survivors out there ?

Many thanks

Greeni xx

Dec , 2013 - 1b1 CC , had radical hysterectomy ( overarys left)
2015 - recurrent cervical cancer to the left overary , had this removed and began chemo / radio
Nov 2015 CT scan of abdomen was clear , no evidence of disease.

Personally I'd go. 

Between now and June you are going to be worrying yourself silly, at least if you go now and it is bad news you will know.  The problem will still be there but you will deal with it x 

On the flip side, if there's no problem you'll be relieved sooner x 

Hi Greeni,

I am a long term survivor;-) 2yrs 2months.

I have had so many things gone on since I finished treatment.

None of them been cancer,but all to do with the cancer treatment.

I would go and see your GP,it will put your mind at rest and if

they think you need to see your consultant then they will contact


I was told the same as you about microscopic cells.They have to say

it as none of the scans as yet are able to show them up.

I have just been moved to 4 monthly check ups,but if like recently

I have any problems I can have an earlier appt.

I hope everything turns out to be fine,chances are it will be,but

that dosn't change the anxiety it causes.

Let us know how you get on.

Take care

Becky x

Hi Greeni :-)

Only you can decide if you want to find out. If it were me, I would because to my way of thinking if you see the doc it can only be one of two options, either it's back or it isn't. If it isn't then a huge weight is lifted and if it is, then that's not really worse than bleiving it is without actually knowing anyway. So if you don't go, you will definitely be anxious, but if you do go there's a 50/50 chance you won't have to live with all that anxiety.

Yes! there are some very long-term recurrent cervical cancer survivors out there. In fact I was going to send one of them a PM today. Perhaps I'll ask her to get in touch with you.

Be lucky :-)

Hi all

Thank you all so much for your repies , i have booked in to see the doctor on 5th april (next bookable appointment) im really hoping its just an ache and pain and not anything sinister ,  i cant help but think the worst , i will let you know how i get on when ive seen the doctor. 

Rebecca , its great to hear your doing well , gives me so much hope and makes me think so much more positively .

Tivoli , thank you that would be good.

Thank you all

Greeni xx

Hi Greeni, I'm really sorry to hear that you are experiencing pain and are frightened of finding out but I'm glad you've made an earlier appointment. Tivoli sent me a PM to see how I was doing and mentioned your post so I'm hoping I might be able to add to the positive story Rebecca has shared too. I am nearly 4 years since I was told my cancer had returned and it was incurable, at the time I was given 12 months to live and at the outside 2 years but very doubtful.... I'm still here! I had chemo rad in July/Aug 2010 for stage 2b and found out in Dec 2010 the cancer was still there was I underwent a pelvic exenteration in Jan 2011. I did get the all clear but in May 2012 the cancer had come back and spread to my spine, shoulder, lymph nodes in my pelvis, para aorta and chest I started on a trial called CIRCa and had carboplatin and taxol when that finished and I'd come off the trial drug as I was too sensitive to it I was stable. Last Sept during a routine 3 monthly MRI they picked up a lymph node under my arm that tested positive and I had radiotherapy which has since returned the node to stable. However during the last 4 years I've had a number of aches and pains that were also nothing sinister. I'm my experience and opinion it is always best to get checked. Although consultants say they can't do 'anything' in terms of a cure you can still receive treatment especially early on in diagnosis and this makes living with cancer possible. I truly hope your armpit pain is nothing sinister and I'll be watching for your result. Please feel free to PM me if you feel I could help and if I can I'd be happy to answer any questions. Lou x

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