Appointment 2nd June

Hello you will see from my history that I am due a check up on 2nd June following a discrepancy in my results earlier. As the appointment is approaching I am starting to feel a bit fearful again as to what they may possibly find. I can't fault the care I have received but am still wondering whether the CIN3 will reappear and am also wondering whether I will need a further lletz to help them work out whether there are still some abnormal cells lurking. Trying not to worry and managing most of the time! Just felt the need to vent! Lockdown means I'm home alone too much with time to think about it all. I know many of you are going through so.much worse.

Love to all




Just to say I have my second colposopy also on June 2nd so you have an virtual colposcopy/check up friend here.

Try and be positive, you can do this.


Hi Madamex thank you so much for your reply. Will be thinking of you on 2nd June. Thank you for your kind words. It sounds as though you have been going through the mill a lot lately. How are you feeling?



My appointment was moved to this morning. 

it was fine. I have a brilliant consultant so am very lucky in that regard.

Two more biopsies taken. Spoke more about the hysterectomy.

Just waiting for results now.

How as yours? Hope you are ok. 

Ive had cake to make myself feel better haha. The cramps are kicking in but all good.

Sending you lots of love

M xx

Hello I had tea & cake when I got home too! They thought all looked well with me ; did another pap & provided that is clear of HPV, I will be discharged & have a pap in 3 years and then another in 5.Felt quite relieved but won't have complete peace of mind ever again! My result is due in 3 weeks - so just waiting now. Just had more cake!!

How are you feeling now? It's nice to hear from you.