Anxious after colposcopy (children mentioned)

hi!  I had a colposcopy (1st one) last Thursday and I was upset and screaming as it hurt so much (and they didn't even do a biopsy). They took some kind of sample and I got a call yesterday to call them back. I'm a nervous wreck as I'm thinking they didn't do a biopsy as perhaps it was clearly evident I have a huge problem. I had a scare with this 10 years ago when pregnant (HPV) and after was tested and apparently was ok. I have a terrible time getting the courage to go to doctors and had decided years ago I was done unless was in an accident or something I could go to MedExpress for. I'm now 47 with a 3rd grader and was having pain so got re-established with all kinds of specialists and am finding problem after problem. I'm overwhelmed but need to press forward as I have a child. Why if no biopsy would they not say in the office there is nothing to worry about?  I was a mess that day and couldn't ask questions. Any help appreciated. Thank you all