Anxious about smear test

Hi all, I haven’t posted for some time since my abnormal smear back in 2017! Which thankfully i had a Lletz procedure and all abnormal cells were gone and was also hpv negative 6 months later. Well fast forward to now my smear is creeping up in a few weeks and im so nervous, what are the chances of HPV returning? Ive just had a coil fitted which i believe is causing me some bleeding on and off, does anyone know if they will still do the smear on the chance im spotting? Feeling really anxious and just want it over with. Dont want to delay it with my past history. Any advice?

Im sorry I don’t have any advice to offer as I’m going in today for a 3 month smear to check things out for the first time since my procedure was done in July. And I understand your nerves and anxious feelings as I too have them this morning. Congrats on your 6 month smear results being good, though! That must’ve been a relief. From what I’ve read and researched, most women don’t have many issues moving forward so odds are in your favor :slight_smile:

Good vibes and prayers sent your way for amazing results! I’m sure someone with more experience than me will come along and comment soon! Keep up posted!

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