AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ)

Hi. I’m new to this site. I’m happy to have found this site. I was diagnosed with AIS after my first cone biopsy surgery within the last monthl My doctor wants to do a second cone. Has anyone had a second cone? Any side effects you have experienced? Did it work for you? I’m hoping that the second cone will clear out the pre-cancerous cells and I can move on with my life. Any experiences you could share with this would be so helpful. I’m very nervous because I want children in the future, and I’m concerned about getting a second cone.

Hi Sunshine :-)

Not me but I know of at least one person who was completely cured by a cone biopsy. I know it's the preferred treatment for very small tumours in young women. I'm sure some other women will come along soon enough to share similar experiences with you.

Be lucky :-)

Thank you !

Hello Sunshine,

I had adeniocarcenoma found during a Lletz, i then had a cone biopsy to remove/stage and my cone came back completely clear. i did however go on to have the hysterectomy as I have had my children. I am aged 32 and recovered ok from the cone and I'm 4 wk post hysterectomy and doing better each day.

Write up a list of questions, if you have another cone, how much cervix will that leave you and how will that effect your chnaces of carry a baby to term. 

Take it easy sweetie xx