After reassurance

I apologise in advance for the long post.


I had my smear test 2 months ago and the results came back as severe high grade dyskariosis (sp) - I tried not to worry too much as two previous smears had shown changes (first two were mild and no treatment required) and was told I would receive a letter for a colposcopy appointment. I didn’t have to wait long as the letter arrived the next day, for an appointment the following week (then the panic set in as they usually don’t send them out that fast)


I attended the appointment with the mindset of not to get myself worked up, and as soon as I arrived I was called in. The nurse went through all the standard questions, had a look at my results and told me that they would be treating me that day. Ok, fine I thought, get it sorted and I can stop worrying.


However she started the examination and showed me the screen (I’m not squeamish so wasn’t phased by it) and showed me there was a lot of irregularities across my cervix (it reminded me of a gravel driveway if I’m honest) and that she would be unable to treat it today....she then told me she needed to check my canal and immediately said no, we need to biopsy this so we know what we are treating. Then the panic set in. All 3 nurses in the room went incredibly quiet and they took two biopsy samples. The rest of the appointment they continued to ask me if I was ok (I felt fine, wasn’t in pain, didn’t feel sick or dizzy) and if I was sure I felt much as it was well meant I’m now panicking that they know something and haven’t said. I have a 4 week wait until my results and I’m losing sleep from worry, my family are all acting strange around me and I just want some answers... one comment from the nurse stuck with me “if it is serious, it’s early so don’t worry” 


has as anyone else been through similar for it all to have been much ado about nothing? I’m 35 if that makes any difference.


sorry about the long post, my minds just going haywire right now

I imagine the reason they didn't say anything would be because they don't want to unessecarily scare you if it's not what they think. I know this is making you panic though. You can normally call them for a chat if you are worried. My biopsy results have never taken four weeks even though they say that. My last took only nine days.

I imagine the reason they didn't say anything would be because they don't want to unessecarily scare you if it's not what they think. I know this is making you panic though. You can normally call them for a chat if you are worried. My biopsy results have never taken four weeks even though they say that. My last took only nine days.


The waiting is the absolute worst isn’t it, it leaves your mind to go into overdrive and start over thinking. I’m probably not going to be able to make you feel much better but whatever happens you’ve got this!!

If it’s one thing I’ve taken away from my own experience is that at least my smear highlighted the issue, it wasn’t missed, it wasn’t incorrectly reported and things were picked up early because of it. For this I am extremely grateful even if the past 2 months have been a bit of a nightmare. 

Good luck xxxx

Hi my smear came back high grade a couple months back an sent me into a panic. Had colpascopy 2 weeks later where I was expecting to have lletz. However when she looked at my cervix she said she thought it was actually low grade changes an gave me the option of biopsy or still go ahead and treat. I opted for biopsy as she had me believe if that also came back low grade I wouldn't need treatment. 5 weeks later rests in an it's low grade hooray. However the letter stayed they would discuss my results at there meeting as it was such a discrepancy between the smear an biopsy. I then receive a letter after the meeting to say they want me in for treatment after all . The lady who down treatment on weds last week explained the high grade cells could of been missed on biopsy so the lletz will get all the cells an they will all be checked. So back to waiting 4-6 weeks for results . Try not to worry as hard as that is, I'm sure if they thought it looked that bad they wiukd be speeding things up x