Abnormal Smear and a 13 week wait for colposcopy

I had a smear in August that was inadequate, it was repeated in decemeber and came back abnormal. I was reffered for colcoscopy and I rang today as I havent heard anything and they said they aim to see people within 8 weeks but due to covid its now 13 weeks. 


Honestly dont know what to do, well there is nothing I can do but worry myself stupid. I am now 4 weeks in so I potentially have another 9 week wait. I dont even know why Im posting I suppose I just need to off load because I dont want to worry my family

Hi Sarah,

Sorry your going through this, it is a worrying time. Did you get any further details from your smear result or did it just say abnormal? I have had a lot of abnormal smear tests and referrals to colposcopy! I'm my experience, if the smear shows mild changes the colposcopy appointment can take a bit longer. I know it's hard to wait but they know what they are doing. Even with the delays you will still be seen in good time. If you're really worried I would call the clinic and speak to someone. They may be able to offer reassurance or perhaps you could get a last minute cancellation appointment.

Good luck,


I had a smear in August that also came back inadequate, I then had a repeat in December which came back abnormal. I only just had my colposcopy yesterday which was a 10 week wait. I was really nervous but it was absolutely fine. I had some biopsies taken, which was also absolutely fine. Hurt for about 3 seconds each time, kind of like a pinching feeling. Stubbing your toe is more painful!

Try not to worry too much, the colposcopy itself certainly isn't something to dread Xx 

So sorry to butt in on your issue but i had a smear that i had to have in hospital 4 weeks ago and yesterday i just got a call with no warning saying i need a colopscopy and i have been booked in for 16th i asked why and she said i just have abnormal results but a letter arrived today which says i have high grade moderate dyskaryosis , im really worried 

Hi Josie,

I can understand your concern. High grade dyskaryosis can be either moderate or severe. Any cell changes which are picked up in a smear will need to be investigated further. To put it in perspective, I recently got a smear result of high grade severe dyskaryosis, colposcopy needed and it's been fine. I did need some treatment but the treatment was very efficient. It's good it's been picked up. You're in the system now so they will be keeping a close eye on you. The colposcopy itself is fine. They will talk you through everything. Until then try not to worry. I know it's hard but the system is really good and you will be well looked after.

Good luck,
