Abnormal results and cone biopsy suggested

Im 24 and I’ve had the hpv virus for 6 and a half years but only recently found out it can cause abnormalities and cancer so that freaked me out, but recently had my first smear test and it came back with severe dyskariosis (can’t spell it sorry). He said he might have to do a cone biopsy and I searched about it and all that came up was about cervical cancer :confused: should I be worried? The gynecologist wouldn’t tell me anything about what he saw :confused:

cone biopsy is an extensive form of a cervical biopsy. It is called a cone biopsy because a cone-shaped wedge of tissue is removed from the cervix and examined under a microscope. A cone biopsy removes abnormal tissue that is high in the cervical canal.

^ Taken from google but I promise you that is exactly what it is.

Bleeding can be normal at Smears/Colposcopys so try not to worry too much just yet (it's hard I know!). The mucus might have been something to do with dyes/solutions that were used at your Colposcopy.

If they take a Biopsy it doesn't mean you have cancer, they would like to check and see what is going on.  

I personally have not had a cone biopsy but I had a punch biopsy which resulted in CIN3 and I was treated with LLETZ but currently awaiting my results to see if I'm clear.

Did they give you a date for your cone biopsy? 

I've had the mucus stuff for months now it like makes me underwear wet :/ (sorry for tmi) so I have to wear a sanitary towel all the time. And yeah its hard to not worry lol and no, the gynecologist wants to wait until me first biopsy comes back with results then he'll decide if he wants to do one. Xx