6month check up tonight

Hi all,

going for my 6month check up this evening, dreading it is a understatement would just like this nightmare to be over…

sitting at my desk at work worrying myself sick!

Hi there,

I completely understand how you feel. I was so stressed and anxious when I had to go for my 6 month check up at the end of November last year (had LLETZ June 2015 for CIN III).

Although my doctor said all looked good during the colposcopy I still worried, fretted and put my life on hold until I got my result. Results showed my smear was normal and I was HPV negative - back to normal routine 3 year recall. See ... all that worrying for nothing!

I hope this reassures you in some way and wish you a great result. Do let us know how you get on.

Much love

Peanut x