6 month follow up

hi everyone :slight_smile:
hope your all doing ok.

so a week tomorrow I have my 6 month check an smear at colposcopy after my lletz in February. not quite sure how I feel at the moment, I suffered terrible anxiety through it all before for weeks. now I don’t know if I’m dreading it or looking forward to getting some proper answers as I’ve still not been told any real answers as to why I had the treatment, other than it was something to do with my glandular cells. also I need to ask them why am I having loads of brown discharge a week before my period all the time as this never happened before (tmi sorry) I told my doctor about this about 2-3 months ago an she just sent me on my way with antibiotics an that was it. they didn’t help.

anyway sorry for the essay, but just needed to vent what’s going on before next week an needed to talk with you amazing ladies as you all helped me through such a difficult time back in Feb.

all my love kirsty xxx


I know how you feel. I have just this morning received my letter to go for a repeat smear after CIN 2 and cold coagulation. Even though they told me when they did the procedure that everything looked fine and that the cold coagulation would get rid of the cells I have got this terrible anxiety. It literally went away the day of the procedure and now it is back. 

If you need a chat please just message me :) it's not an easy time!

Charlene x

hi Charlene :) thank you for your reply.

it's horrible isn't it, as each day is coming closer the more anxious I'm getting because I know how bad my anxiety was before. it's nice to know I'm not alone in all of this though. when have you got to go? xxx

I think I maybe more anxious about the anxiety more than anything. It literally took over my life!! I feel ok today and haven't thought about it much. But I just know tomorrow could be a different day.


My letter says I am due to go after 19th September. So not too long!!! 



I'm scared about feeling anxious all over again to :( mine is on Wednesday coming up an I really don't know what to expect.

nope yours is not to long either. I've got my fingers an toes crossed that we are going to be ok an both get the news we are hoping for. I'm here if you need to chat at anytime 
