48 and now had 2nd LLETZ, now worried

Having got fed up with always being referred to my hospital following routine smears at the doctors, I’ve been going direct to the colposcopy dept there for 5 or 6 yrs now. Every year the result shows abnormal cell changes. I’ve just had my 2nd lletz treatment but I’m now getting more and more worried this is never going to end. I’m 48 now. I can’t keep doing this. What’s the alternative, a hysterectomy? Has / is anyone else in this situation and how are you dealing with it? I just don’t know what to do

Hi Nicky, i am a bit, not much, younger than you - 42… i am also stuck in this cycle. High grade changes each time, been going on for years now, colposcopy after colposcopy. Smears are painful for me, Colopscopy and Biopsy agony. I have just had LLETZ number 1 for CIN3 and am recovering but waiting and getting stressed about results. I haven’t ever cleared HPV over the years and so know this thing is going to keep happening.

There’s something really horrible about always looking over your shoulder. Every 6 months having it checked. it feels like you just can’t move on.

I have no advise on how to deal with it, i wish i did. I am having sleepless nights worrying about the results coming back. I can sympathise though.

I guess for us the next step would be hysterectomy, as at our age the other procedure they can do preserves ability to have kids, and that’s off the radar for me now. I’d rather get rid of the reproductive stuff and have a happy and more fulfilled life NOW with the kids i have, rather than watch and wait in a state of anxiety which isn’t good for me or my family.

Hope someone else comes along soon with suggestions x


I’m new here but can share my experience so far. I am 55 so well into Menopause. I was also widowed early at 42 so I have not been sexually active for 13 years. I have had 2 Lletz and a Cone in the past 18 months. Each time after a few months the results would come back and they would advise there was still evidence or Cin3 in the first case and micro invasion in the latter 2.

The have now indicated that a hysterectomy will be the best route. I am having an MRI on 5 October after which the decision will be made on whether a radical hysterectomy is advised. Although I am beyond my child bearing years I am coming to terms with having that part of me removed but I also want to be around to see my Children and Grandchildren grow. If I said I wasn’t scared I would be fibbing. I have found a lot of reassuring accounts here and knowing we are not alone sure helps.

My present consultant is the second one to deal with my case and I have a wonderful relationship with her. We have discussed all the possibilities and she has given me all the pros and cons. I would suggest if you are unsure maybe a 2nd opinion from another consultant might be a good idea to put your mind at rest.

I wish you love and strength whatever you decide xxx


Gosh Shaz, that sounds stressful. I do find the whole thing is underplayed, if it were men I’m not sure it would be. I hope you have good news soon x

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Hi all, I’m now 46 and I’ve been having treatment every year for about 8 years now I think.

It started off with loop, lletz a couple of cone biopsies before a hysterectomy a few years ago.

It’s certainly not fun being called back regularly and unfortunately for me it’s still ongoing but if there is a plus it’s that there can be quite a few less invasive treatments before a hysterectomy.

I actually felt relieved after my hysterectomy and the bonus of no periods was great. But I appreciate it’s not always an easy decision.

Happy to answer any questions if it helps.


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Omg, you sound so similar to me, I’m 48 now, every single smear comes back abnormal, this has been going on for, like you, 8-10 years. My last lletz was in sept (I still haven’t had results back yet?), is it worth having a hysterectomy? I don’t have periods anyway as I’m on the Cerelle pill (so liberating!) but I just don’t know what to do, I can’t face going to the hospital every year for the next 10/15 years and having more and more lletz

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Hi Nicky,

I hoped the hysterectomy would end things but for me this has unfortunately not been the case as I’ve still got abnormal cells tucked away in the scar tissue at the top of my vagina. But that’s not to say it would be the same for you.

As for deciding whether to have one or not, I would be guided by your consultant as there still may be less invasive treatments available first. Have they mentioned a hysterectomy as an option yet?

It’s a very personal decision so try to be as informed as possible and weigh up what’s right for you.