4 months on and still in pain! PLEASE HELP!

Hey ladies, I had lettz for CIN3 cells in October. (unclear margins?) First 2 months of recovery were absolutely fine, no infection ect. But since I have been suffering pain almost daily and abnormal bleeding ? the pain is extremely strong period pains with pains in the groins and both legs and down to my feet, leaving them very heavy and tired. I am exhausted daily since having the lettz ? has anyone experienced the same? I have contacted the gp to be told if I want answers to go private ? 

 Hi mrs Leigh, 

I haven't visited it, but I have seen lots of people mention about a long term pain lletz Facebook group of some kind on this forum. It may be that you get support from others who are also struggling. I'm sorry I can't remember what, the name of it was. 


I really hope you heal properly soon ???

Hi lemon lavender, 

Thank you l so much for your reply, a quick search and I've found it thank you again ❤️


Hope your results are good news ❤️