3 months wait after biopsy

Hello, I am looking for some advice. I had a positive hpv test last year and this Feb had a positive hpv smear with cell changes. Had a colposcopy and punch biopsy on the 8th March and received results of cin2 cell changes in mid April. They said I would be contacted about next steps in a few weeks to visit the hospital again to speak to a doctor. It is now mid June and I have chased twice, they have said they don’t have any appointments and I am on the list to be seen, should I be worried it is taking a long time? I also asked why I can’t discuss treatment options over the phone with a doctor and they said it has to be in person

Hi Jenni,

I absolutely understand the wait times are horrific.
I am 5 weeks post op from hysterectomy and salpingectomy and stalking the post man for my results.
My consultant secretary is sick of me and i can hear it in her voice when i ring and chase.
Keep chasing even if its every day.
I had CGIN and CIN3 for 7 years but really bad for 15 months and i was seen every 3 months for Lletz till my hysterectomy, nothing changed in that time from colposcopy point of view so if you can take any comfort from that till you get seen and dont be scared to ask questions this site has saved me from losing my mind

I am so sorry to hear what you’ve been through but I can feel the positivity from your words. I hope you recover well and get good news, thank you for reassuring me that a few months wait most likely won’t do anything to the cells!

I hope you hear soon xx

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