23, Awaiting colposcopy results

Hi everyone,

I'm 23 years old and I have been having extremely painful and irregular periods off and on for a very long time now - I've suffered from Amenorrhea a couple of times, occasionally losing my period for upwards of 9 months. More recenly the pain has gotten worse, and I've passed blood clots the size of my head, on top of having occasional painful intercourse, constant and severe low back and tailbone pain, pelvic pain, a pain in my left thigh/groin area, nausea, fatigue, and unintentional weightloss. I have been sexually active for 8 years, have had a foolish amount of unprotected sex with too many people, and got my very first pap smear 2 weeks ago (I know that I should have gone sooner, but I suffer from extreme anxiety, and put it off for a while).

My results were postive for high-risk HPV, and ASC-US. My doctor recommended an colposcopy ASAP, which I had yesterday - it was very unpleasant and I'm ok, but slightly traumatized. She didn't tell me anything about what she saw after the procedure, except that she took some biopsies, and because I have been absolutely petrified since my diagnosis, I decided not to ask about what she saw, because I didn't want to make my anxieties worse. 

Now I just wait for the results, which is driving me mad. I've been reading a lot of forums on here, so I decided to jump in, as althought I have plenty of support outside of the internet, nobody can feel or understand completely what I'm going through. I don't really have any questions or need any advice particularly, but I would love to hear from/talk to anyone, because I'm so afraid of the results, and particularly, any treatment.

Firstly, well done for overcoming the anxiety and getting a smear done.....not an easy thing. Although the wait is agonising and scary at least you have taken some positive steps towards sorting out the problems you are having. This is a great site, full of iq formation and support, so stick around and ask any questions you need. Good luck over the coming weeks.


Did you get your results back? I'm curious because our situations are very similar and I'm awaiting my results and my anxiety is making me go crazy..I was told my pap was ASCUS and I'm high risk hpv. I've also have a lot of irregular bleeding, blood clots, cramping, and fatigue. I got my colposcopy done and they did biopsys but the doctor was short and just said i needed to come back on July 2nd for my results and to discuss a game plan...