1st smear experience- to help others

I’m posting my first smear experience in the hope that it can persuade anyone who is as scared as I was, to go and have their test done. 

I recently went for my first smear test after avoiding it for 10 years. I put it off as I was terrified of the embarrasment more so than the pain! All the media attention forced me to go and get it done and I’m grateful for that otherwise I’d probably still be thinking and worrying about it. Luckily I managed to get a same day appointment. The nurse explained what would happen, asked me to confirm my name and address and the date that I started my last period. She then did the test. It was painful as I was so tense and there was slight stinging for a second while the sample was taken but it was over with before I could really think about it  From start to finish the whole appointment was 10 mins. I left thinking what was I so scared of. I admit that the waiting for the results was probably the worst part. Thankfully they were ok.

For anyone that is worried. It honestly isn’t as bad as you probably think. If I can do it, then anyone can! 

A thank you to Jos trust for all the information and for the forum and also to all the posters on here who try to help ease peoples fears. It really does help people like me