Yearly smear and same result

So last year I was told I was HPV positive with no abnormal cells, I’ve recently had my yearly smear test done and I got my results back today and I’m still HPV positive with no abnormal cells again. Second time round, So back to having to wait another year to have my next smear done July 2024. Not sure how I feel about this, the waiting for another year just sets my anxiety off again, and not sure if this is good or bad :disappointed: im scared

Hiya, I know it’s easier said than done but take this as a positive. I’m in a similar position with having yearly smear tests although I was CIN1 last time and the yearly smear tests are awful as you can’t fully relax, I guess it’s something we need to learn to live with & take comfort in the fact that they’re keeping a closer eye on us. If only I could listen to my own advice lol.

@Lou_44 Hiya sorry for the late reply. And thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my post I really do appreciate it.

I am alot calmer now about things but it is in the back of my head and my anxiety can kick in about it all now and again… I do agree with you I should take it as a positive thing and in hoping by next year when I’m due my smear test again in praying the third time I will come back negative… it’s been really hard to take all this in I’m instantly thinking the worst as you can imagine, I’m 31 with a 11 year old daughter which being a single mother just makes my mind do over time . I’m eating healthy and exercise well my job alone is exercise if I’m honest… and I take vitamins too to help. And I’m not a smoker or a drinker so finger crossed that all comes in my favour

Don’t like the thought of having this for life so many questions run through my head and in petrified later in life in will turn into the C

Just don’t know how to feel or what to think xx

@Charmaine you’re only human, it’s completely normal to have fluctuating feelings and emotions. I’d eventually put it to the back of my mind and it’s that time again for my smear test which has brought all those emotions back and more, it’s a bit of a rollercoaster. Fingers crossed this time. x