Worried about first Colposcopy

Hi I had my cervical smear on the 24th May, got my letter to say I had abnormal cell results three weeks after and have had an appointment made for the Colposcopy clinic tomorrow afternoon. I have been trying my hardest no to worry about it, but now I am starting to even more! Cancer is quite high in our family. I lost my dad two years ago to Prostate cancer, my aunty to cervical cancer. My paternal grandfather died of stomach cancer and so have his bothers and sister. With family history it’s sent my head into a bit of a spin. The letter I got from the cervical screening service doesn’t say what type of abnormalities were found and says they will be discussed at the clinic. I had my clinic appointment through and is says I will see a nurse rather than a consultant/ Doctor!

I’m just after a bit of reassurance really and other’s experiences. Did any of you see a nurse rather than dr?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi Farmgirl,

I know exactly how you feel. I also received my pap result stating they found abnormal cells on my cervix. It's the Doctor who called me and I felt shocked and worried. Colposcopy and biopsy was done yesterday and it was not that bad. It wasn't painful, just uncomfortable. As the Doctor and nurses advised me, I'm also asking you not to google and not to think about it obsessively until you get the results of your colposcopy. Wait did she tell you about biopsy? Or just colposcopy? I am hoping and praying for us all. 

Hi farmgirl my first smear test came back as severe...I automatically thought the worst and was dreading my colposcopy appointment! I had my colposcopy last friday and also had to have the lletz treatment carried out at the same time. This was no where near as bad as what I was buidling it up to be! I went into my appointment at 1.30 and was being picked up by 2 so it was over and done in no time (majority of this time was spent with the nurse prior to treatment). I know it's hard to say 'don't worry' as it's natural to worry. As regards to your letter not really saying much, I have read on here that letters can be very vague! I find it helps to read through posts on here new and old as I found it very comforting.

Good luck :) 

Thank you ladies! This was my fouth cervical smear, I've always has a normal result before. It was my first since having my second child. My Step-mum is taking me today. I'm also worried as my husband sufferes with long term illness, he has a major heart condition and had a stroke almost three years ago, so I am his carer and we have two daughters also. I'm having to leave him with the girls alone this afternoon, so that is just adding to the stress of the day. Have also just noticed that all my hospital appointment letters have my GP from 10 years ago as my GP. Our local hospital doesn't have the best reputation, and little errors don't inspire confidence. The Cervical screening letters and referals come from my current GP so no idea how they can get it wrong. I've updated them too when I had my second daughter. :( Trying to remain calm and rational!!