Will HPV and Cell Changes keep happening? What does the future hold?

Hi All,

I honestly didn’t think I’d be back again, maybe I was naive or hopeful.

Back in 2018 I had my first smear (25) and I was HPV positive and had CIN3, this was diagnosed through my colpscopy, biopsies and had LLETZ treatment. I had a check up 6 months later I believe and I was all clear - what a relief. Throughout the whole process j was a wreck, you read so much and try find out as much information and sometimes it just cripples you and the waiting on every result is just awful. I honestly thought I’d be okay.

My smear test went back to 3 years and I have just had it done and I’ve already had a letter through for colpscopy, HPV positive and cell changes. All I’ve done is cry. I thought I was worried last time, well I become a mother last July and I have a 1 year old and now I didn’t think I could worry anymore anymore I am right now.

All I keep thinking is will I have to go through this time and time again? And will eventually it end up as Cancer?

I think my worry is will I keep going through life waiting for cancer to come knocking? Is that the end game? Will this happen? If I constantly have HPV and cell changes will it go that way?

I’d say I’m relatively healthy, I eat a balanced diet, I don’t smoke, is there anything else I should be doing or any vitamins I should be taking? Or anything anyone can recommend?

And I just need to know if individuals suffer through life with this but never have cancer. I’m terrified of leaving my son, he is my whole world and all I’ve ever wanted to be is a Mum and now I am, I feel like my whole world is falling apart.

Thanks for reading my rant
Amber x

Im 29, the last 5 years ive constantly had positive HPV and also always had abnormal cells.
Febuary of this year i had procedure for high cin , had my cure smear results yesterday after waiting 4 weeks yet again i am HPV positive and yet again have abnormal cells. Its very draining and im very fustrated with it all

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No-one knows the future - and my advice, for what it’s worth, is to live life to the full, enjoy being a mum and go for all and any tests and treatments that may be required. You are being monitored and will be more closely now, and that’s a good thing. Cell changes are not cancer, although they could progress into cancer - or maybe they won’t. You are doing all the right things for the HPV virus in terms of lifestyle. You may wish to take some immune boosting supplements, because only your own body can rid you of the virus. None of the supplements are guaranteed to work, but it might be reassuring to take them, because you never know.

We can’t tell you everything will be fine - but we can tell you that treatment is do-able, and we are lucky enough to live in a country where we can get treatment for free and very quickly. CIN changes are NOT cancer. I had CIN changes in 2000, 2001. I was treated for them three times with three ops. I was told I was clear every year afterwards. In December 2020 I was told I had Stage 3 cancer, and the smears must have missed it because I had so much scar tissue. I was treated. It was not pleasant, it was exhausting, but I’m currently cancer free. I don’t know whether it will return, or whether I will ever clear HPV, which I still have. But I’m going to enjoy being alive because it will give me the best chance of living a good life. Living in total fear and misery will not make my outcome any better.

This is a wonderful forum. People come and go. Many, many woman are worried and have concerns after abnormal smears, but only a small percentage actually develop cancer. There is a great page on Jo’s trust about this, along with links for information and a phone number to call if you need to talk to someone:


We will be keep hoping that you will be one of the ladies who will not develop long term problems, but if you are, this is not the end of the road. And it can be beaten. X

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Please try not to stress, like @Jacks133 explained, we can not know what it coming in the future. And you just need to try not let it take over, speak to your freinds and family, if you share you burden then it’s halved right?. All I can say if it’s it the C word, it’s not always as bad as it sounds. I have been seen yearly for being HPV positive in may I had abnormal cells so in for a colonoscopy. CGIN found and LLetz followed. After this I was called back for further results where I was diagnosed with stage 1a1 cancer. Yes okay it’s a shock but I’ve not need any further treatment than when it was just pre cancer cells. So try and think on the positive side of it. I have my 6 month check up tommorow, it’s been a long wait x

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