Wife referred for urgent appointment after smear, absolutely terrified - please help

Hello all. I am new to this site and in desperate need of some help.


My wife had her first smear in about 6 years recently, and has received a letter saying that the test picked up “grade three changes” and she has been referred for an urgent appoint.


At the time of her appointment the nurse carrying out her smear test said that everything looked healthy, but said that that didn’t mean anything?


If her cervix apparently looked healthy at the smear test, is there still a possibility that she could have cancer? Could the nurse have just said that to put her mind at ease?


She has had no symptoms of anything serious (bleeding outside of period etc), but now that we have received this letter I am completely overcome with worry. I lost my sister to cervical cancer in 2015. When I am with my wife I can hold it together, but when I am on my own I feel like my world is falling apart.


She has an appointment for a colposcopy in 2 and a half weeks. When booking the appointment we were told that the usual waiting list is 6-8 weeks, but she has been fast tracked as her letter was marked ‘urgent’. This has terrified me. 


Sorry if it seems like I am rambling, I am just so panicked and don’t know what else to do. 


I suppose I am just looking to hear from women who have been a similar position? I am despairing and desperate for some reassurance.


We’re in Northern Ireland if that makes any difference to the “grade three changes” comment in the letter or the fact that it her appointment was listed as urgent.



no your not rambaling mate we had a scare resantly with womb cancer not in the clear yet but its slow in the womb so theres no panic im not mediclay trained so the help line top right will help if you can get trough or email the ask a expert bit i have rang the nhs sexual help line a few times 0300 123 7123. they will probably need to get a senir staff memnber there usaly prity good but if you dont get one thats know much a bout it ring another time theres alwas diffrent people on i would recomed you go with your wife as much for you as for her scave work if you have to.    no the nurse was not just saying every thging looks hethy to keep her charm you can not see changes with the naked eye i know what you meen about falling a part i have had a small mental brake down medication from your doctor  can help i have call 111 when i was reay bad and the smaritans my dad died of cacer my mum survived brest cancer but the treament apear to speed up her dimentia  if you want to talk mate private message me and i will give you my phone numbber 

i few people on this site have said grade 3 is NOT cancer just high risk of becomeing so your wife should resond well to a lletz

It's impossible to say that it isn't cancer at this stage. But more often than not grade 3/severe changes are just precancerous CIN and are successfully removed. All of the statistics are in your favour, her not having symptoms is in your favour. She will need the colposcopy to definitely rule out cancer. Xx