Where to go for a smear

Hi I don’t want to go to my GP for my smear test, is there somewhere else I can go? I’ve skipped my last period - I’m 46- and I’m having pain. when I was younger I used to go to a Womens clinic but they don’t do them anymore apparently. How much does it cost to get one privately? In live in Portsmouth. Thanks in advance for any help. Have a lovely Christmas everyone

Hi Jules

The Well Woman clinic in my local hospital closed about 2-3 years ago; I think it’s been down to getting them at the GP surgery for many years now, at least where I live. I used to get my smears done at the well women clinic and before that at the local sexual health clinic but unfortunately I think there are few or maybe no places where that type of service is available now.

I didn’t like going to my GP surgery for smears so I can empathise with how you feel about that. However, it is very important to keep up to date with smears as I learnt the hard way - see my back story.

I’ve never had a smear done privately but I’m sure doing a google search on ‘private smear tests portsmouth’ will come up with a list of options. Cost wise I think I heard that an example price of a private smear was around the £100 mark but doubtless it will vary between various organisations.

Something to consider is what you would do should your smear test result indicate you need further investigations such as a colposcopy. Staying within the private system could prove very costly so you might need to consider your budget limits beforehand; I’m not sure how it would work if you wanted a colposcopy done under the NHS on the basis of a private smear test.

Another option is HPV self sampling; kits can be bought on-line. If you are HPV negative then you don’t need a smear test for the time being; if you are HPV positive then you will need a smear test but you can cross that bridge if you come to it.

Disclaimer: I personally think HPV self sampling is fine but I’ve never done it myself and I’m not advising or recommending it, just sharing information.



Thank you for your reply. I’ve messaged my GP, it could take 21 days to get a response and as they only have one nurse it could take months for an appointment so I’ve also made an enquiry to a private practice locally. Once again thank you, your advice is appreciated.