What would you do?


in Jan 2020 I took a hike HPV test which came back as positive for HPV 16. 
I've been with my husband for 17 years so must have had it that long. 
never had an abnormal smear test.

I was sent for colposcopy but this is completely normal and no biopsy taken. 
I had an nhs smear test in May 2020 and this was negative for HPV so put on 3 year recall. 
I am now pregnant and baby is due in November. 
I'm just worried that my nhs test missed HPV that came back on the home test 4 months previously. 
would you go for a private smear test after the baby is born? 
I've been thinking I'll get one as the nhs one doesn't test the cells anymore and other than the colposcopy my cells haven't been checked since 2019. 
I'm jist worried that I've developed cervical cancer in the last year due to HPV that is obviously persistent as I've been with my husband 17 years! 
Mia it possible for HPV to come and go? 
I do have health anxiety also so that doesn't help! 

Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy smile

I'm sorry I don't have much advice to give you but I wanted to respond as I'm in the same position as you as in I've been married for 17 years, and after my first HPV smear test in March it came back positive with Borderline cell changes. It'll take around 8 weeks for my colposcopy appointment letter to come through.

I've also been concerned with persistent HPV and wondering if it comes and goes, especially as I've obviously had it is so long. I don't know if it lies dormant then becomes active and inactive?

I'm sorry I can't give advice, but for a small part, I can relate x