VAIN operation

Hi ladies
Not posted for a while, but I’ve saw a couple of posts these past few months regarding VAIN so thought I’d share where I am, as this VAIN business is a lonely world.
I had a wide excision of VAIN3 last week. Went in to have “a small” area removed, came round from anaesthetic to find out they’d taken a massive chunk of my vagina out. I had a gauze pack in, and a catheter, and spent the next 24 hours wishing I’d never got it done. Pathology results will arrive in 2 weeks(ish).
Surgeon came to see me when I was more awake, the area was huge, stitching me back up was difficult, and I’m likely to have major scarring. My vagina is narrower and may have to use these dilators once healed to help that situation out. Wouldn’t mind so much if there wasn’t such a high chance of it coming back… If it does I don’t know what I’ll do. If any VAIN ladies would like to share their experiences thatd b great! It’s so uncommon which makes it worse I think.
I am now off work til I’ve healed, which won’t happen in a few days, but I hope not too long as I’m not good at taking it easy !

Thinking of you.  It's so shitty this VAIN thing.  Try and stay positive xx


I'm new to this ..... unfortunately not new to CIN/VAIN

I had first treatment for cin in 1993...... 24 years later i'm waiting to find out when i'll be having a partial or total vaginectomy for persistant and reccurrant VAIN3.

After 13 surgeries - LLETZ, wide local excision, cone biopsy, cervical removal, total hysterectomy (followed by bowel repair afer perforation during surgery) and vaginal diathermy, knife excision..... the list is endless, thought I'd learned how to cope. 

Struggling with the idea of a vaginectomy and restructure and not being able to speak to anyone until 20th April when I go to see a new specialist who can do this surgery. 

Has anyone else been through this?