V important ! Laproscopic hysrerectomy Vs abdominal hysterectomy

Hi everyone

I was wondering if anyone has come across article in the new England journal of medicine with regards to recuurance %s after a laproccopic hysrerectomy Vs abdominal hysterectomy.

To break article down, for reasons unclear the % recurrence after lacroscopic hysrerectomy is significantly higher after abdominal hysterectomy. 

I discussed this with my consultant and he reassured me that this study was carried out in America and the UK drs are still collecting data to present there findings .


I was initially reluctant to share this article , but thought it's important to so ladies are informed. 


I am struggling to attach article but if you Google new England journal of medicine, laproscopic Vs abdominal hysterectomy. The article was published on 31st October .

I also emailed the " experts" on jo' s cervical cancer , who also reassurred me that studies are still underway in UK and data will be published in BJOG very soon. 

I hope I have not unnecessarily caused any concern, but I think it's important to ask questions.

Kat x



I quickly skimmed the article and it doesn’t mention ‘vaginal assisted’, where the womb, cervix, etc. are removed via the vagina, instead of being ’cut up’ and removed through the small incisions, as in traditional laparoscopies. Unless a bag is used to collect the broken up tissue, then the potential for cancer cells to spread is possible. 

I shouldn’t worry just yet until the findings have been peer reviewed or have they?

I have to admit I’m pretty frightened by this.

Hi Everyone

We were pleased to see your post on the forum about the recent article in the New England Medical Journal. As we do not allow our users to post links to other websites (to largely help protect our members from spammers) I have now created a link so that those of our community who would like to know more about this can read further.

We can really undersand your concerns and, as you would imagine, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust have been keenly keeping up to date with discussions around the data and what it might mean for women in the UK.

As part of those discussions we have been in touch with a consortium of hospitals who have been part of some UK analysis.  They released some initial data at the recent British Gynaecological Cancer Society Conference in July 2018 indicating that survival in those patients undergoing minimal access surgery in the UK is no worse than those have open procedures. There was also a call for further data to be collected and analysed going forward.

 As Kat123 has mentioned, this research will be published in the near future in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at which time we will comment further.

If, however, you are feeling at all concerned, it really is worth speaking to your cancer consultant who can talk things through with you and answer any questions you may have.

Sending best wishes


Thanks Kat & Rebecca- i’d always prefer to find out like this than in a scary newspaper headline so thank you for info and links. Hopefully results from UK may be better 

Initially I was devastated by the ugly 6" scar running vertically from the top of my pubic bone to up and around my navel like a question-mark. I was similarly horrified when the healing of that scar distorted my previously beautiful navel from a vertical 0 to a lopsided glummy. But I now wear it with pride. It says so much more about reality than any tattoo ever could. OK, I am significantly older than a lot of women on this site.

I am simply expressing my opinion that an abdominal scar is not the most difficult thing in the world to learn to live with. I wrote all about the emotional side of that in my first ever post on this forum - you can find it if you click on the toad :-)

Be lucky :-)

What stage cancer were you? I have to decide between min inv and abdominal … Some doctors say min inv is safe for me as my cancer was very small but I’m still scared…

I was stage 1a. Apologies I am not following what procedure you are having? What are yr concerns hun?


I had two cone biopsies and removed two small tumours. One was 0.5mm depth x 2mm diam. The second however was 3.5mm depth x 1mm diam. That brought me from 1a1 to 1a2 ( over 3mm depth). It was removed but I didn’t have a clear margin. So I’ve now had varying opinions of what type of hysterectomy (simple vs modified radical vs radical) as well as pelvic node removal (lymphadenectomy vs sentinel node biopsy). Finding it hard to decide what to do.

Hi Sandi :slight_smile:
I wasn’t given a choice. I was told I was having surgery and that was that. Reading back through the medical notes I think I was probably assessed as something less than a 2b before the surgery began but redefined as a 2b once they’d got the tumour out and measured it. Still fit and well over ten years later
Be lucky :slight_smile:

Sorry Sandi for delay in response .

I had 1a with margins, it was definitely a very confusing time. I did alot of research and my consultant was great at addressing any concerns. In the end I went for a hysterectomy, with conserved ovaries. Consultant thought I was " too young " for ovary removal. I was partially mobile with aid after a few days. Had to stay in hospital for 5 days, but generally women are out a 2 -3 nights. Fully mobile after a week or so . Do expect bouts of fatigue though. I stayed off work for 6 months as my job is exclusively being on my feet . This was 3 years ago and I have no issues . If you have any concerns please drop a message x

Forgot to mention I had robotic laprpscopic surgery.

The most painful thing re surgery was getting rid of the excess air they pump into you for the procedure, minor price to pay for being cancer free!

Thanks for your reply!

Wondering why you had to stay in hospital so long? The doctors I spoke to about getting it done laparoscopically said I could be out the same day…or just stay one night. Did something go wrong for you? You said stage 1a. Was that 1a1 or 1a2? When they did the biopsy after the hysterectomy was it still the same stage? Did you have a cone biopsy or anything before the hysterectomy? Sorry for all the Q’s …I have to decide whether to go laperoscopically or not. Did you have any nodes removed (sentinel node biopsy/full node removal?) If I asked you any of these questions before I’m sorry I’ve been asking a lot of Q’s. :heart:

Np sandy I was 1a2
I fainted , so was kept longer , the consultant thought I was good to go, the nurse disagreed. I had nodes removed too. Ask away hun , apologies if delay in response.

Lapriscopically or abdominal? I did not have cone biopsy. I genuinely cannot recall what I had . Something " loop " comes to mind . My notes buried away !

Out the same day if done laperoscopically not abdominal.
So you had all the pelvic nodes removed? No sentinel node biopsy? (Where they take a couple to biopsy first before removing the rest)
Do you recall if you were 1a1 or 1a2? 1a1 is when it’s up to 3mm deep. 1a2 is when it’s 3-5mm deep.

I had stage 1a2 adenocarcinoma
Large loop excision of the transformation zone
Modified robotic radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. Hope that heips