Urgent referral abnormal bleeding and gp seeing inflamed cervix

I've been hanging around the site for two weeks since my GP made an urgent referral as worried about how my cervix looked and my post sex bleeding and hideous all over the place periods ....

I had lletz (spelling?) 8yrs ago for cin2/3, I am.nkt on contraception 

I've just seen the consultant - she isn't in the least concerned ... Did a smear as it was over due but not at all concerned : said my cervix looks like it does becausenof treatment and it also explains post sex bleeding (which is what I thought pre to visit)

So just posting for anyone else in the two week wait anxiousness .... My GP was signaling and saying cancer so my brain was fried .... But 5mins with consultant and it's only my cervix that is!!

Wishing you all well xxx