Update about me!

So as most of you know I had a drain in my bag to drain my kidney as it was blocked - this was done in June and the bag was removed in July but the tube stayed…it has finally been removed!!!

Omg! It was the most painful thing ever! I had NO numbing, painkillers nothing in my back! - and they stuck another tube into my back to get the other one out! I was in agony! I was screaming and crying it was so painful - they offered no reason for the way they did it and told me all they could give me was paracetamol which I am allergic to - thanks! The pain was that bad it knocked me sick literally - I came home and slept and threw up…

I’m ok today I’ve been moving furniture (naughty me!) but I’m ok that’s the most important thing - I’m back at the hospital on Thursday to see if the fistula in my bladder can be fixed if not it’s a bag (another one) and I will be telling them that they’re knocking me out for this one! Pissed me off as I went in August to find out what was happening to my bladder to be told I had to see someone else! Ffs!

Don’t be pushed around girls

Hi Carmel 

im happy to hear you got rid of the tube that was draining your kidney but so pissed that you had to endure such pain to get it done!! Wtf! With all of today's medical advancements I'm sure they could have done something. These people don't really understand do they?!?

do take it easy though, you need not do to much as it could really do more harm than good. 

i hope thatyou will soon get good news to your fistula and be able to get that fixed asap!


Oh Carmel! It just goes on and on doesn't it!



Sounds bloody awful. Are they trying to torture you? Must be nice having them out though. Thanks for the education. It took me a moment to decipher Ffs. 

Fantastic news you have your drain out 

Thanks ladies - i think they do like to tourture me as they did the same thing when I had my stents put in originally - minimal numbing to my back wheee they cut my skin and I felt everything them putting the stents in - worse thing ever! I think they think oh she's dealt with cancer pain (worst pain ever!) and she can deal with it! No mate I've become very sensitive to pain - arsehole!

so I've had my appointment today about - well I thought - about my fistula! Low and behold it was a different doctor and he thought he was meeting me about my stents! Long story short after a major temper tantrum and a lot of crying I finally saw the doctor I was suppose to see. He was then babbling on about what they can and can not do - I was quiet rude as I was so possed off feel a bit bad about it now.....long story short my only options were to carry on using pads, have a permenant bag or they could attempt to fix the fistula which would fail so I'm having a bag. He was really shocked when I said it as if I was picking something from a menu to eat but unbeknown to him I've thought long and hard about this and I want some kind of quality at life so this is what's happening!

ive put my foot down and told them I want it doing asap so it's looking at november time (I go away in Feb - they wete told this several times :-)). So thank you cancer you fucking knob head! You've ruined me at 29 - cheers! 

But do you know what ladies it was my decision to do this and I tell you what cancer will not win! I will stand toe to toe with everything it throws at me and I will deal with it with grace (a lot of swearing and crying too obviously!) but I won't let it beat me - im stronger than I look :-).....moving heavy furniture on my own the day after my op showed that! X

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