Unexpected and disappointing letter.

Hi all, sorry to post again.

As mentioned in my previous post, I was worried about having a follow up so soon after my Lletz. I was told after I came round that my appointment would be on the 14th. My discharge form said ‘further secondary based care and or therapeutic review’ which worried me a bit.
I expected a letter giving me the time and date of my appointment but I didn’t expect it to say anything else.

Today I got that letter and it stated ‘your gynaecology oncology appointment is on Friday 14th at 12:15’. It said I should take a family member or friend and that I should be prepared for the possibility of further surgery on the day.


Am I allowed to freak out now?

Nope, your not allowed! surgery on the day sounds like it's something they think they can fix! Maybe take some more tissue or something. I'd guess major surgery would require more notice.


Rubbish you got the letter today when there will be no1 to call to speak to about it, ring up first thing Monday and see if you can find out more x

It is only possible there will be surgery on the day. Not sure if it was a generic letter. I kind of got stuck on oncology. 

I can't call at all next week, I'll be in work. X

Surely you can make a call while your at work?  Even if it's your lunch Or break? 

Sadly not. We have a strict no phone policy, and I won't get time for lunch! Never do.:-)

Friday will come round quick enough. Now I am over the shock, I'm kinda more chilled about it. What ever it is, I can't change it... And if they can treat it on the day... Even better x

Don't know if this helps it was something I read on here I think, you can have microinvasive cancer and they just do a lletz to remove and check clear margins like a normal lletz. X

Any thing helps :-)

Thankfully I have been so busy today at work that it has flown by... So one day closer to Friday! lol.

My boyfriend as managed to get the day off so I won't be alone. 

The appointment letter was sent the day after I had Lletz under GA. :-(

They really don't try to help ease the anxiety do they! I got a text from my gp the other day about my recent checkup saying "we've recieved your recent test results. Further tests are needed" and thought that most mean the cancer had returned and freaked out. The receptionist seems to think my result is normal though. Unnecessary text! 

If there is a possibility they will do surgery on the day, I imagine this would likely be another lletz or it could be a cone biopsy which is what I had. I don't know if this is good advice or not but you could try phoning the gp and see if they'll give you your results over the phone so you know what to expect. Try not to panic. If it is micro invasive it's great that they've caught it so early. Keep us updated and all the best for Friday. Try and keep a positive mind. This all sucks, but were so fortunate that we have the opportunity to get rid of this stuff before it gets nasty. Xxx

Hi Jojo. I think I misread the letter. They would do a same day pre op, not surgery. 

I took the day off work today so I could get hold of the doctor. I called the secretary and got told my appointment has been changed to 4th November but nobody bothered to tell me which I am annoyed about, but slightly relieved that if they are happy to wait an additional 3 weeks.

Also, the secretary said my results are not yet back, so there is no definite. She said it isn't standard to have someone in so quickly but it could be nothing and that the oncology letter could have been generic so not to worry too much.

She is going to call when my results are back to let me know they have them and my new appointment date is November 4th Or the next cancellation. 

Mostly I am pissed that I have spent a week thinking I have cancer, but am relieved that I don't definitely have it.

Ugh, sorry you're being messed around. All the best for the results I hope you don't have to wait too much longer xxx

I think I will phone on Friday anyway. They told me at my operation that the results would be back. 

Firmly of the belief that you can face anything if you know what you are facing!