Tumour shrinking


After about 3 weeks in to her radiotherapy, mum was told her stage 2b tumour is shrinking by her oncologist. 

This is going to sound like a silly question but as I’m torn between getting excited and then scared of building my hopes up prematurely and coming back down to earth with a big thud, I have to ask... How good news is this?

Would treatment just stop working and stop continuing to shrink it? Once it’s started to work does it continue to work until all the evil cancer cells have gone? The mind boggles as to what is going on down there. Could the oncologist be making it all up as her side effects have been pretty severe and he wants to keep her motivation up? 

She is on her last radiotherapy tomorrow before the Brachy next week. 


basically, she is responding to the radiotherapy and after the brachytherapy which finally and locally blasts the tumour they will scan her 2-3 months after

even then, the tumour may still be there, but will continue to shrink and hopefully die off

I know of ladies who go for their 3 month post reatment with a residual tumour and have another scan 3 months after that and have no evidence of disease and sme have none after the first scan.

bear in mind ther treatment is to cure the cancer

mine didnt shring during radiotherapy much, but after my brachy and 3 month scan it was completely gone and over a year on, I have no disease present and im a 2b girl too.

aqllow yourself a little hope and yes it is good news.

the treatment carries on working for months after


Thank you for taking the time to respond and congratulations on being cancer free. Your story is very inspiring and positive so thank you for sharing it with me 

Congrats! I'm really happy for you!