Treatment plan - all over the place

I have finally got my chemorads schedule through and I’m really stressing about the timings of my appointments. I’m wondering how some of you coped juggling childcare with your appointments?
Some days I have to be at the hospital for 7.30am, other days it’s 5.30pm - there’s only a few appointments at the same time consecutively and those are 3.30pm which is obviously school pick up time. I have to travel around 40mins from home to the hospital.
My partner will help me as much as he can but he has his own business to run and often ends up stuck at work late. I don’t have much other support. How do you cope? I have the option of after-school club but that closes at 5.30pm and my dad is sometimes available (on his terms). I just don’t know how I’m supposed to do this and it’s making me really stressed out. I spoke with my oncology nurse and booking team but they said they are so busy with an influx of patients so doubtful my schedule will change.
I know some of my feelings are anxiety as I think I just need to get the first week done but the guilt of this having a big impact on my daughter and her routine is really upsetting me because I think some days she will have to be up and come with my partner to drop me at the hospital before she starts school.
How do you cope? I know it’s only short term and I don’t really have a choice but looking to see how others have juggled this with a chaotic schedule?


I’m really fortunate that my husband has been given compassionate leave.
I think Macmillan can give advice with regard to childcare help?
On my 1st day of chemo I also had a social worker offer her help and advice with childcare. I never asked details though as I dont need it.


Thanks Shammy. I’ll have a chat with Macmillan and see what they say. I can’t help but think of the single mothers going through this, my heart really goes out to them.
Hope you’re ok - first week smashed :muscle:

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I had a similar issue with appointment timings and after the appointments line said they couldn’t change the times I simply asked the radiotherapy team directly. I explained the issues I had and they were extremely helpful and changed most of them to first thing in the morning. Their schedule is tight but you have people who can’t be done straight away for whatever reason, people not turning up on time and in general it seemed to be first come first served anyway. Very early appointments didn’t seem to be popular as there weren’t many people there at all compared to later on in the day.
So maybe it’s worth having a word with your radiotherapy team? They can only say yes or no.


Yes, your radiotherapy team are likely to be far more helpful and will try to plan your sessions where you want them - i.e. all early or late. Hope you can get it sorted out. X


Thanks all. I spoke with someone from radiotherapy today as they called me to go through some things before I start on Monday. I asked them and they also said to ask on the day as they may be able to change some of the appointments. Feeling hopeful so fingers crossed :blush:

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That’s good I’m sure they’ll try to accommodate you wherever they can.

Good luck for Monday x