TOC smear results

Dear all,

I had lletz treatment for CGiN in Oct 21. This revealed 1a1 adenocarcinoma. I didn’t require any further treatment. I have had some ongoing issue which I have no answers for: pelvic pain, discharge and bleeding intermittently. Each visit they say I’m fine and don’t need a scan.

I had my Test of cure (TOC) end of March and after a long 9 week wait for results they have come back HPV postive (this will be my 4th year) but fortunately no abnormal cells detected within the sample. They have recommended further colposcopy.

I have a few questions if anyone knows the answers.

  1. Can we ever get rid of HPV
  2. A colposcopy can’t see up the canal where my cancer was so how does this help? The pre cancer cells were missed on two colposcopies.
  3. Anything happy please share as I feel semi relieved but also terrified!!

Thanks xx

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