Symptoms, missing smear and now referral issues ?


Just after some advice as feeling let down by the system! 

Regular periods, not on birth control and no issues. 34 and a mother. 

Until four weeks ago - had a bleed start 11/01 - light watery and very unusual after my period at Christmas. Went to GP and was told my smear was overdue since Sept 2017 - discovered my letters had been sent to an incorrect address ! (Always had the correct one previously. GP said just an unfortunate mix up with cervical screening Wales). 

Booked smear and bloods for two weeks time. In those two weeks I had four episodes of bleeding after sex. 

Had smear last Weds and bloods. Bled massively during smear and have now spotted with pelvic pressure/cramps since - ten days now. Nurse sent urgent gynaecology referral (14 day pathway) that day out of concern. 

Bloods fine only anemia. Since last week I have felt very poorly, have now missed a period and never felt so bloated in pain and have back ache With this red/pink spotting. Started to worry a bit. 

Now recieved a letter to say gynaecology will be six months for an appointment due to number of referrals !! 

Surely this can't be correct under an urgent referral Guideline? 

Can anybody advise - and if only having had symptoms for four weeks could this be something else ? GP seemed more concerned re CC. 


Thank you !