None routine smear and emergency referral

Just looking for some advice, similar situations and any outcome / what to expect. 


I had recently been getting unusual symptoms which led me to book an appointment with the doctors; bleeding after sex (for days not just a small amount of spotting), discharge with an odour (sometimes I would say fishy and then just strong smelling), general pains some times little stabbing pains other more like pelvic / period pain.

at my initial appointment the doctor booked me in for emergency examination/smear a couple of ways later, at the smear the doctor noticed something with my cervix, possible erosion maybe, I kind of switched off after she gave me a leaflet that read “your urgent suspected cancer referral” I have been advised this is up to 2 weeks but the leaflet says 7 days and I know she mentioned gynaecology. I have been bleeding since the smear (2 days ago) with general period type pain.

doctor did take swabs which have been sent off but has referred me before result.

i am waiting on my appointment but I am obviously worried. Any advice?

