Start treatment on Sept 12

I was recently diagnosed with Stage 2B squamous cell carcinoma. My tumor on scans is about 5-6cm. Today I received my tattoos for radiation. I have been trying to remain positive but am scared of the side effects of treatment and of being too optimistic even though my Drs seem pretty confident I am curable. I have started drinking lots of water and walking every day. Is there any advice anyone might have for me?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

I was diagnosed in 2021 with stage 2b adenocarcinoma I finished treatment in September. To be honest i found the treatment not too bad very little side effects just a bit of heartburn and more frequent trips to the toilet especially during the night due to all the water i was drinking. Since finishing treatment i have been very well and every is more or less as it was before. But everyone is different and many women are quite unwell its hard to know where you will be, but the team looking after you will be able to get you through they have many medications that can help.
Good luck with the treatment any questions just ask.
Take care xx

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Hi @Andree - I was diagnosed in October 2021 with stage 3 squamous cell cervical cancer and completed treatment in January 2022. I am in the over 50 club, and I think we sometimes have a harder time with treatment. While I was quite unwell during treatment and are dealing with a few stubborn side effects now, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Our cancer is highly curable, treatment was intense but short compared to other cancers and effective for me. Try not to overthink it, once you get into your routines, be gentle with yourself and leave space to do whatever it is that makes you feel better and helps you get through. It is different for all of us. Best wishes for you.

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Hi, this is my first post… I have just been told I have stage 3 today and should start treatment before the end of the month. It’s hard but when they said they aimed to cure I was a wreck!!


It is hard. The waiting was really challenging. I am trying to remain positive but Ive been a wreck too

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Hi @Andree, I was diagnosed at the same stage and size as you earlier this year, I know it is a scary place to be! I honestly decided I was going to find a positive or something to giggle about each day and it really helped me, I knew I had to go through the treatment so I wanted to face it as best I could.
The treatment does affect everyone differently (look at my post ‘doing the trial’ I think it’s called) I had several disasters as such but you know what? I got through it and now I’m 2 months post treatment, I saw a post that said just because you have a bad day don’t assume they will all be like it and it’s so very true.
I looked forward to marking off each day on the calendar and you will be surprised how quickly the weeks pass!
My advice would be to put yourself first and eat whatever you want when you want! I also planned several things for after treatment, days out, a break away etc and it gave me a focus.
Good luck and just know that you can do this! Feel free to message me if you want to chat x

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Hi - how are you doing? X

How are you doing @Shelle79 ?

I have recently been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and i’m petrified. It’s the waiting for the MRI that is worrying me as my imagination is going wild at what stage i could be. 12 days of waiting for the scan is making me very very anxious.
Could i ask you what your symptoms were at the stage of 2b? I’m really worried as my symptoms are continuous foul smelling discharge and bleeding. I also have a sore back and pelvis. I’m finding it really distressing not having an idea of what stage i might be at. Any advice would be so appreciated.

Hi WeeP,

Sorry to hear that youve recently been diagnosed, I can remember my first few days after diagnosis as though it was yesterday. The waiting for scans and staging is the worst time of all.
For me my only symptom was a watery discharge there was no smell or blood just continous discharge for about a month and this is what took me to the doctors. I was sent for colposcopy 2 weeks later where the consultant thought it was a fibroid my cervix was totally normal and no abnormal cells were found. The fibroid was sitting at the entrance of the womb when biopsied it came back as adenocarcinoma. At first they thought hysterectomy would be possible but scans showed some spread to parametrium so it was chemo, radiotherapy and brachytherapy. I finished treatment in September 21 and have been well since. Treatments today are excellent, any questions give me a shout

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Thank you very much :). Glad to hear you are well

Hi Andree
I finished my treatment for 2b diagnosis last year. I thought I was going to be very sick etc… But they give you tablets for this. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought and the 6 wks went in quickly.