3C2 CC My journey so far…

Morning all, 1st time poster - your posts, experiences & info has helped me navigate the worst months of my life. I wanted to share my journey in case it helps anyone

I was diagnosed with CC on holiday in England end of Aug 2022 after being hospitalised following blood loss. I had clots the size of my fist. The consultant told me he could see a tumour of at least 5cm. He did a biopsy & called me with the results a few days later. I went back to Scotland, had to have another biopsy as the countries don’t share medical records.

I didn’t really have any symptoms, I did bleed following intercourse a few years ago but that cleared up. I had been having strange joint/muscle pain in my arms/hands/shoulders since March 2022. This disappeared after my 2nd haemorrhage in Dec 2022.

Following MRI/PET scans it was confirmed I had 3C2 CC with it in my pelvic&para-aortic lymph nodes. There were suspicious nodes in my neck. I waited ages for a biopsy of my neck, eventually had an ultrasound which showed no abnormality though I am still paranoid about this!

I got the standard treatment plan - 25 radio;5 chemo;4 brachy, got my tattoos &treatment start date of 12th Dec 2022, 3.5 months after i was first diagnosed. I developed anxiety, I got prescribed beta blockers but they made me worse! Once I knew I was starting treatment my anxiety subsided a bit.

I hadn’t had a bleed since Aug, then I had severe bleeding the friday before starting treatment, went to A&E, was sent home with tranexemic acid. The next morning, I had bleeding again, I was soaking 600ml incontinence pads every 20 mins & passed out. Went to A&E again, taken straight to resus. This bleed was the worst thing that has happened to me this whole time,it was so traumatic. I was taken to hospital for 2 blood transfusions & kept in until the day I was starting treatment.

I got my radiotherapy on day 1 but chemo was delayed as I needed another 3 transfusions before I could start.

I managed 4 chemos (didn’t get the last 1 as my white blood count was too low),the Dr kept reassuring me that the main treatment was radio.

I coped okay apart from the extreme tiredness which hit 4 days after chemo. At week 4 I had really bad diarrhoea which lasted 3 weeks & I lost 10lbs. It was tough,I went off a lot of food & stuck to a very beige diet of toast, bananas, macaroni cheese, sausage&mash.

After 2 weeks of treatment I started to get very painful twinges in my back at each side, then pain in my chest when I breathed deeply, mentioned this to a nurse. An X-ray showed I had several blood clots in various parts of my lungs, most likely caused by the chemo & tranexemic acid (I was paranoid to stop taking it) So I had to take daily injections for 2 weeks and am now on Apixaban until July and iron tablets until June.

I was dreading the brachy, I had a GA to get the rods inserted, gas & air to get them out. I wasn’t too concerned about having to lie still for 24hrs with the rods in as I had my own room with tv, had my iPad, book etc. The worst bit was getting the last part of the rod out, it didn’t help that I was clenching & couldn’t relax, but it couldn’t have been that bad as I went back for round 2! Following the rods getting inserted the 2nd time I found I was in more pain & had to ask for painkillers a lot.

I am now 6.5 wks post treatment, my energy levels are much better. I get pain in my hips and lower back if I am on my feet for too long & stiff if I have been sitting for too long. I have a pain near my shoulder blade that I am getting paranoid about but Dr at my 6 wk check up isn’t concerned. A week after treatment ended I got really bad radiation burn on my back&bum, I used creams that had been suggested & it cleared up in a couple of weeks.

I had been dreading using the dilators but thought I better get started a few days before my 6 week check up. I had a very large wine first to try to relax! The first one went in fine, as did the 2nd after some pressure.I haven’t got the courage to try no 3 & I won’t be using no 4!

I had my 6 week check up last week, the Dr examined me & said the tumour was no longer visible to the naked eye. My notes said that she had also observed this during my 2nd brachy. I am waiting for an MRI in about 6 weeks time to see the fuller picture.

I stupidly thought that I could still work during treatment (I have been working from home since covid) but glad I got signed off as I wouldn’t have been able to work with the fatigue. I have a bit of anxiety about going back so am considering asking to be signed off until I have my MRI results. I’m lucky that I get 5 months full pay then 5 months half pay.

I have to say that all the nurses, radiographers, Drs etc have been amazing throughout my treatment. If you feel something isn’t right as I did with the blood clots please speak up so someone can help you.

Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to jot down my experience in case it helps someone else!

Much love to you all :heart:



Hi @Emsypops! Wow, I’ve had pretty similar experiences - including the timing!

I ended up in emergency twice (Oct 2022) with extreme hemorrhaging, and it was extremely traumatic. The second time was when I was actually diagnosed with CC and they kept me as a patient and fast-tracked my MRI and diagnosis. Absolutely terrifying, and I had 3 transfusions that second time, and another prior to chemo, along with weekly iron transfusions. I also took the TXA longer than I should have because I was paranoid about bleeding, but luckily just got heart palpitations which made me stop, and nothing else. However, I also ended up with frickin’ Covid between diagnosis and treatment which added some complications but mostly just extreme anxiety as I’m prone to pneumonia and was terrified it would delay everything if I got it. But, I started treatment on Dec 6 for Stage 3c, and finished Jan 17, with the standard treatments. So far, no bad side effects, just minor digestive issues, and fatigue, which is real.

Definitely jealous you were able to take all the time off of work! I started a brand new job two weeks before my first ER visit and so no benefits until this month. Thankfully my new boss was amazing though; and let me work from home as much or as little as I was able, and I just went back to work full time last week. While I’ve been napping when I get home and am still pretty tired, it’s nice to be out of the house and feeling like things are a bit normal, I tend to brood and stress when left to my own devices.

I dont know about you, but while I’m glad to be back at work, I’m definitely struggling during this waiting period between treatment and MRI/PET scans, so it’s nice to connect with others in the same boat. Hugs. It’s a shitty club to belong to, but glad to not be alone.

Wow it does seem we’ve been through a lot of the same experiences! We have had almost identical journeys though you got Covid and I got the blood clots!

Sounds like your new boss and work are being really good to you, hopefully they appreciate that your journey doesn’t stop when treatment stops. I feel like people expect me to be fine now I’ve had the treatment but of course the scan anxiety is now lingering.

I totally get you about the waiting periods. In the UK we get scans every 3 months for 5 years I believe so I guess it’s just going to become a part of normal life.

Next thing for me is to speak with my GP about HRT. At my 6 week check up I mentioned to the oncologist about some of my symptoms but these could be treatment related as well as menopause. One thing I’m finding is my memory has got really poor and I keep forgetting my words! Also have to get up to use the toilet during the night - never had this before. I get really stiff when I’ve been sitting too long, and my lower back and hips get sore if I’ve been on my feet too long. I feel about 90! Had a couple of hot flushes during the night but very seldomly. I feel I’m not very educated on the menopause and HRT so it’s something I need to look into.

Sending big hugs, we’ll get through this!

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Hi Em,

I got straight on Evorel patches after treatment, they are fantastic and have really been a lifesaver for me and several friends. You can just slap one on your hip and leave it for 3 days, then change it. You can even bath and shower with them on and they will stay put. You do have to remove them for MRI scans but that’s it!
I know what you mean about the scanxiety, I have just had my 2nd 3 monthly scan after treatment and my oncologist appointment this Friday and have been really nervous.
Make sure you tell the oncologist during your appointment that you haven’t tried the bigger dilators, mine tried to insert a bigger dilator last check up and it was so painful!!


Hi Sam

I really hope you get good news on Friday, it’s just a horrible time waiting for results.

I cant believe the oncologist tried to insert the biggest dilator, that’s shocking! At the 6 week check up the oncologist was really pleased that I had even managed to get to the 2nd one and I’m sure I said to her I won’t even try the biggest!

I spoke to my GP yesterday about some symptoms I’m worried about (sore shoulders and arms again which I’d had last year), low mood, sleeplessness and asked to be put on HRT. He was pretty useless, won’t do anything until I have blood tests confirming the menopause and then because I’m “complicated” due to my blood clots I’ll be referred to a menopause clinic to deal with me. He didn’t offer me anything in the meantime to help with these symptoms. I feel a wee bit in limbo and alone as I’m not sure who I’m meant to speak to about stuff. The cancer helpline I was given by my treatment centre is only for people within 6 weeks of treatment.

Im still waiting for my MRI appointment which should be due in 3 weeks though I do have an appointment with oncologist on 10th May to discuss results. The MRI is done in a different hospital. Just confused about who I should be chasing this up with as well.

The GP has signed me off until mid May so I guess something good came out of the appointment!

Take care

Hi ems,

I had 5 blood clots in my arm and shoulder caused by my picc line, very painful and I couldn’t straighten my arm so I can’t imagine how awful yours are being where they are!!