Stage 1a2 advice please

Hi all would love to hear from anyone else that is stage 1a2 and what treatment you have been offered? I have had a cone biopsy but now have an option of having lymph nodes removed… Has anyone choosing not to have this done? I have commented on her before with my concerns about this but o am still in two minds I’m running out of time to decide I’m really scared of both options… Having lymphodeama or if I choose not to have it done it will be the worrying of not knowing please any advice would be a great help xx

Hi Carlee

I have not been in your position, but I know a few girls on here have and I am sure one of them will be along soon. It is a really tricky weigh up and I sorry that you are even having to think about things like this. Cancer really sucks

big hugs x

Thank you its driving me crazy I'm finding it impossible to decide xx

Hi Carlee :-)

Can you request a PET scan? I think that those would show up lymph involvement without having them removed. You might need to research this a bit though, I don't know enough about them as they are not available where I live.

Be lucky :-)

Ye maybe I will ask about that I'm so worried and I have to make a desicion today xx

Hi Carlee,

How are you doing? Did you manage to think it all through? It is horrible being put under pressure, so if you need more time/ information before you decide, do make sure you ask. Medical people can sometimes forget you have feelings (most old skool guys spent 6 years cutting up a cadaver, which must make you pretty numb) in their rush to make you better. You always have rights and choices

Wishing you all the best


Hi Carlee,


I hope you are doing ok. That's such a tough decision to make.


I was diagnosed with 1b1 last year. My consultant advised me on my treatment based on the size of the cancer - afraid I can't remember the exact measurements however mine was long and thin. It's because it was long that they recommended lymph node dissection according to recommended guidelines (although throughout he was confident it was unlikely to show anything up)). An MRI wouldn't show the microscopic cells they'd find in lymph nodes... Not sure about a PET.


I had a cone biopsy and my lymph nodes removed. 6 weeks off work (as I'm in a physically demanding job). The 1st couple weeks were slow... But nothing found in my lymph nodes. The risk of Lymphoedema is Apparantly low, and they can try to just take the main ones out and leave some in early cancers. I am v lucky and haven't suffered with Lymphoedema, but equally have met ladies who have. They on the whole had more lymph nodes taken out than I did.


I guess my question to the consultant would be to check whether guidelines would recommend removal of lymph nodes. I don't know what I'd do in your position... Go with a list of questions to your consultant, and chose what feels right to chat. Happy to answer any questions about my experience.


Thinking of you ,


Rhi x

Hi everyone sorry for late reply haven't been on here for a while I decided not to have them removed as the consultant says that there was only a very small chance it would have spread to lymph node and he didn't really seem worried, I am worrying though and I think I always will now I hope I have made the right desicion xxx