Smear audit

I finally got my results of the audit of my previous smears in 2010 and 2013. The 2010 was reported correctly as clear but the 2013 one was reported wrong and there was some cells on it wth moderate dyskarosis. 

After waiting this length of time and researching development me of cc i kind of expected this result.


not sure what what I can do though x 


How long in total did it take for your audit to be done?  I am waiting for the results of mine :-/

I suppose with regards to what you do depends on how you feel about the results?  For example if you think changes need to be made to how smears are carried out, processes etc.  How did it make you feel knowing the results of your audit?

I know some people dont want to know the results at all, some people just get angry and some people take it further and seek legal advice, its all very individual.


Thank you for reply. Waiting is the worst isn't it! I waited about 1 year since my surgery, was diagnosed in October last year. I think because I waited so long I expected the result. I wanted to know because having informaiton helps me somehow feel more in control I guess.  When the consultant told me I think she thought I would be very upset as she asked if I had anyone with me which I thought was kind of ironic seen as when they diagnosed me the way they told me etc was pretty rubbish. I dunno I am waiting for the letter to be sent to me so once I have it I might look at what possible options I have.. I love the NHS but someone who read it wrongly had affected my life in a way that they won't even realise. Hope you get your results soon.Xx

Hi Hun, I’ve asked loads for previous results but nobody have given me them! How did u go about asking for audit to be done?

with regards to your results I would definately take it further, our lives are effected massivly for someone’s incompetence! 

I had a smear in August 16 which was repeated for very small changes in March then diagnosed with cancer beginning of May after biopsy, I’ve already been told that cc is very slow growing so how could cancer not be there in August but in March it is!

im desperate to get answers and I know for a fact that if something haa been missed I will take it Further. If something could have been done earlier to stop me having to have a hysterectomy then I will Be fuming!

good luck with where you go from here x


My gynae said they review all women diagnosed as a matter of routine in case anyting is missed. I think she pushed to get them to hurry up but she said they are always a year behind so I knew it might have to wait a while. What has your dr said when you have asked? Is it your gp or the gynae consultant at the hospital you have asked?

Yeah I think that my mum was really angry when I told her that the smear was wrong. I am angry but I guess I wil just wait for the letter to come through. I am just glad that my surgery is done even thought the emotional anxiety is still there. I think I will look at options once I have it in writing..

I hope you get some answers soon! 


I’ve asked the consultant and also asked my nurse specialist to ask for them!

What did they say when you asked? Can you ask your gp too? Hope you get some answers soon x