Sex 9 weeks post op - hospitalised

So I was feeling OK on the whole. 


Had issues with my bladder but it seemed to have improved a lot from what it was. I've been having to self cath since having my catheter out 7 days post op. 


Had intercourse wed night which felt a little painful but then straight after I was in excruciating pain, I went all dizzy, hot cold shivering, spotted a little too. I felt like I did following the days of my op. 

Had to phone an ambulance and it was a 3 hour wait. I ended up falling asleep so decided to cancel the ambulance. Woke up still in the same pain so went to A&E. 

They took bloods, urine sample, and did some ultra sounds.

Bloods showed I had a slight infection, ultrasounds showed a little fluid around the pelvis area which they weren't concerned about..?


Came home with two lots of antibiotics and pain killers, in agony though. They said that I had traumered my insides again, felt like i was back at square one. I had a high temp and was really poorly for a few days. I've just started to feel better today. 


Anyone else had this? I guess it was too soon but I felt OK.. 

Hi Stacey. 


Something similar. Although mine was exercise at 9 weeks post op. Taking it relatively easy but upping due to doing so well from 3 weeks plus so did some weights.  The night after I had a gush of fluid, horrendous bladder pain and bleeding.  I went to the gp got antibiotics for a uti. The next day the pain was worse could hardly walk. Gp sent me to A&E where at first they thought it was a uti. Bloods cake back reading 157 (normal is 5) so I was put on a ward for two nights with an antibiotic drip. Sent home with 7 days worth of tablets.  Today after antibiotics finished on Friday. I’ve been prescribed more a antibiotics. Scan showed fluid on my pelvis too but they just said Mike sepsis.  I’m worried it’s more than that.   So I do feel your pain.  Xxx

Sorry lots of typos there. X


That sounds very similar to me.. I've just finished two lots of antibiotics, I do feel alot better but I still don't feel right, I've been back to the doctors today for more blood tests, urine sample and a swab to see if there is anymore infection. I'm just going to keep on it until I feel OK againn. I will request another scan to see if there has been any change in the fluid too. My surgeon said I can see him before my next scheduled if needs be.

Hope you're OK now xx

Could you not ring your surgeons secretary?  I called mine as received further antibiotics the surgeon is seeing me next Thursday instead of the appointment if 7th May to check and hopefully put my mind at rest.  I’m really active and finding it hard to rest.   I will let you know how I get on. Hope you feel better soon. X

I’m getting another MRI my consultant thinks I may have lymph node fluid not draining that’s getting infected.  How are you getting on?   X